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Govind Meghwar
Senior Program Officer – Internal Audit
Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO) - Hyderabad, Pakistan
I am a development practitioner with more than 14 years of professional experience in the social and development sector backed by a consistent engagement with Non-Governmental Organizations funded projects by leading National / International donors. I have proven technical expertise in the field of Social Mobilization, Project Management, ME, and Program Audit with a rigorous and sustained strategic relationship with critical stakeholders including donors, Civil Society organizations, and a range of other relevant actors.
Support Package Government of Sindhs’s State Land to Landless Harees
Formulate field plan by the work plan of IAD under the guidance of the Assistant Manager and approval of Sr. Manager Internal Audit in such order that all aspects of activities are audited as per the requirement of standard operating procedures and agreement with donors
Verification, Monitoring, and Reporting of the area of activity assigned to him/her as per the direction of the Audit.
Assisting the internal auditors in the fulfillment of their assignments by integrating their field visits and reports with them and helping them develop an adequate field plan for the financial and program audit findings.
Physical verification of activities under the project like Loan to microfinance clients, any asset provided to the beneficiary under any core project, any activity /training carried out under any project, and knowledge of insurance component under any project.
Verification and cross-verification of field record provided to each beneficiary CO/VO/LSO by SRSO as per requirements of agreements with donors /SRSO policies/manual with the record available at unit offices /branch/districts & Head Offices.
Examine authority of records available with beneficiary /client CO/VO LSO and verify the physical progress of various projects through field visits to various communities at district levels.
Verification of data of clients/beneficiaries are reported/entered / in management information system (MIS) with data being obtained at CO/VO/LSO level.
Interviewing the beneficiaries to obtain evidence of the work performed by SRSO field staff, about the behavior of SRSO staff benefits from any loan /asset/training served by the SRSO, and awareness of processing of any such activity
Examine and Evaluate MIS, thereby recommending controls to ensure system liability and data integrity
Undertake special investigation under the supervision of the Head of Internal Audit and the directives of the Audit Committee and analyze the performance to determine whether a program or project is effectively accomplishing its goals.
Evaluating the compliance with laws & and regulations, management policies, especially the provisions contained in the agreement with various donors, and report writing of events of non-compliance
Prepare reports containing observations, comments, and recommendations based on carried out work on a daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly basis
Immediate reporting of any fraud occurrence, the chance of fraud, mismanagement, malpractices, complaints regarding CO/VO/LSO level along with evidence acquired
Program Officer – Internal Audit
Sindh Rural Support Organization - SRSO
دسمبر ۲۰۱۹
- مئی ۲۰۲۳
| Hyderabad, Pakistan
Area Coordinator
Aurat Foundation
اگست ۲۰۱۸
- مئی ۲۰۱۹
| Tharparkar, Pakistan
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
CESVI International
ستمبر ۲۰۱۷
- دسمبر ۲۰۱۷
| Tharparkar, Pakistan
Social Organizer
Baanhn Beli
جون ۲۰۱٦
- جون ۲۰۱۷
| Tharparkar, Pakistan
District Field Supervisor
Bridge Consultants Foundation
جون ۲۰۱۵
- دسمبر ۲۰۱۵
| Tharparkar, Pakistan
Community Mobilizer
Association for Water, Applied Education & Renewable Energy
<li>Training local leaders and activities in the basis of organizingcommunities and introducing a programme of saving, capital formation andskill development.</li>
<li>Training concerned local persons ion maintainingrecords, organizing saving and developing planes (prior the actual training)for the utilization of skill training at the community level.</li>
<li>Exchanging ideasand experiences with management and field staff as to inculcate the spiritof debate and discussion within NRSP.</li>
<li>Introduce different programs and projects, motivate community andestablish groups and other forms, at local level.</li>
<li>Develop profile of thevillage/area, assist local community in addressing project developing issuesand develop linkages /networking with the Govt. and other similarorganizations for intervention of RWF programs/Projects.</li>
<li>Arrange andconduct training for community related to social organization and capacitybuilding</li>
<li>Coordinate, implement and monitor projects activities.</li>
<li>Guideand train beneficiaries directly and through facilitators on proper utilizationand management of income to improve their livelihood.</li>
<li>Liaison with the community and built strong relationship.</li>
<li>As the part ofeducation and awareness activities, quarterly consultative session will beheld with the community.</li>
<li>Coordinating, planning and a implementing alivestock vaccination program.</li>
<li>Ensure timely and accurate reporting of allfield-based activities and collect and maintain documentation regard projectactivities</li>
Humanitarian Assistance to Disaster Affected Population in Pakistan
<li>Initiate contact with potential target communities by visiting village and meeting with resident, key person (religious authorities, school teacher etc),exiting CBOs (Community Based Organization), appointed representative ,focus group (Youth, Women, Elderly), and other relevant person.</li>
<li>Toestablished the Community Based Organization (CBOs) which representthe community or particular group within the community and support theproject staff in the implementation of the project activities.</li>
<li>Organize andhold and general and focus group meeting to introduce CESVI and itsstrategy and activities in the country, and collect information on the currentsituation of the community (Problem, Need, Gaps, Vulnerabilities.</li>
<li>Address and solve problem that might arise between the community andCESVI or among community members, during and because ofimplementation of the project activities.</li>
<li>Introduce organization’s project, motivate community and establishmale/female Community Organizations, Village Organizations and LocalSupport Organization at local level.</li>
<li>Arrange and conduct trainings forCOs and VOs related to organizational management.</li>
<li>Hold regularcommunity meetings with varying meeting agendas.</li>
<li>Build capacity ofcommunity representatives in record keeping and ensure record keeping atCO/VO/LSO level.</li>
<li>Facilitate CO/VO/LSO in networking and coordinationwith line departments and other NGOs/INGOs</li>
<li>Develop profile of thevillages/area; assist local community in addressing advocacy anddevelopment issues.</li>
<li>Coordinate and participate in the villagedevelopment plan, arrange field visits for staff and stakeholders and extendfacilitation services to other programs in the area.</li>
<li>Keep close contactswith local community; identify their immediate socio economic needs byholding discussions and participatory activities with different groups ofcommunity.</li>
<li>Participates in need assessments, baseline, ParticipatoryRural Appraisals, feasibility studies and stakeholder analyses.</li>
<li>Exchanging ideas and experiences with management and field staff as toinculcate the spirit of debate and discussion within NRSP.</li>
Reducing food insecurity by promoting (on-farm) enterprise development
<li>Develop profile of the village/area, assist local community in addressingproject developing issues and develop linkages /networking with theextension department.</li>
<li>Introduce organization’s project, motivatecommunity and establish farmers groups at village & union council level.</li>
<li>Facilitate farmers group in networking and coordination with linedepartments and other NGOs.</li>
<li>Hold regular farmers groupsmeetings/community meetings with varying meeting agendas.</li>
<li>To closecoordinate with agriculture extension department for regular visit of demoplots organized by AWARE.</li>
<li>Arrange awareness session regardingintercropping.</li>
<li>Address and solve problem that might arise between thecommunity and AWARE or among community members, during theimplementation of the project activities.</li>
<li>To coordinate with District TB Coordinator, Regional Coordinator, DistrictLab Supervisor, Private Healthcare Facilities and Private Labs for effectiveimplementation of the TB-DOTS under PPM project.</li>
<li>Responsible forcarrying out district mapping exercise in consultation with the district healthdepartment (Executive District Officer-Health (EDO-H)/District HealthOfficer (DHO)/ and District TB Coordinator (DTC) under guidance of theRegional Coordinator</li>
<li>To support and facilitate supervisory visits from thenational, provincial and district level.</li>
<li>Raise awareness among families of the option for their children to attendgovernment schools and for those already enrolled (primary schools)</li>
<li>Carry out educational training and capacity building initiatives for mothersgroups</li>
<li>Establish and support various community groups’ mother groups,students, youth groups to support the local campaign for girls educationwork as a change agent for behavioral change in favor of girls’ education inlocal communities Meetings, Focus group discussion and Sensitization oflocal communities, parents, religious leaders and local opinion makersabout the importance of girl’s education.</li>
<li>Engagement with communitytradition and religious leaders, mothers, Lady Health workers youth mediaand political groups, media for mobilizing support to send girls to schools.</li>
Support Vulnerable Communities to Enhance Food Security through FFA-CBT
<li>Develop projects’ M&E plan in consultation with Program SupportCoordinator and project team.</li>
<li>Coordinate needs assessments withpartners, other external sector agencies; ensuring assessment findings arewell documented.</li>
<li>Check and make sure the activities as per plan underthe project fulfill timely the scheduled objectives especially.</li>
<li>Coordinatingand monitoring the implementation of the activities.</li>
<li>Ensuring that theorganization's procedures and regulations are accomplished. o Support inefficient organization of the office and the staff in the field offices.</li>
<li>Collaborate, within the established deadlines, to the draft of the relatedproject reports (activities planning, work progress and final reports) asrequested by donor, the headquarters, and as agreed with the leadingpartner of consortiums.</li>
<li>Involved in capacity building and orientation of the field teams for surveys and data analysis etc.</li>
<li>Establish a strictcollaboration with department heads and all the project staff directly andindirectly (CMs, PC, Senior and Field Engineers, etc.) involved in the M&Eactivities.</li>
<li>Timely report to the PSC about any problem arising during theimplementation of any project that might harm the achievement of theprojects’ objectives or the organization’s values.</li>
<li>Provide technical support to Supervisors.</li>
<li>Allocate Teams to variousvillages/localities within the Union Council.</li>
<li>Make logistics arrangementsfor the execution of the targeting survey.</li>
<li>Supervise and ensure the qualityof the data collected and conduct spot checks in the field.</li>
<li>Provide UnionCouncil reports as per protocols provided by BISP.</li>
<li>In particular, beresponsible for three different phases of the data collection process.</li>
<li>Preparation for data collection (survey) in the field.</li>
<li>Execution of thesurvey.</li>
<li>Social Mobilization and Communication activities.</li>
<li>Completion ofthe survey.</li>
<li>Ensure that field teams regularly update ERFs onto server.</li>
<li>Ensure that enumerators are provided with the following material for datacollection:</li>
<li>Name Tags as per the specified format involving Name of theEnumerator and title of the programme;</li>
<li>An official letter identifying themas Enumerators for the respective PO</li>
<li>Guidelines manual</li>
<li>Printed Receipt</li>
<li>A fully charged Tablet with preloaded application and locationaddress</li>
<li>Mobile phone with top-up balance</li>
<li>Cap and Flees withappropriate logo of BISP displayed on it as per the design to be provided byBISP</li>
<li>Monitor the work of Teams allocated to his/her area through regularfield visits during data collection and regular meetings and telephonicconversation with Supervisors of each village/locality.</li>
<li>Review carefully alldaily reports received by village/locality, monitor the quantitative output ofeach team and report on these outputs to HO.</li>
<li>Verify, reports werecorrectly submitted and compare the number of total households andsurveyed households. Based on the results, the Area Coordinator decides,whether the survey in this village has been completed or if the surveyshould be extended.</li>
<li>Review the daily outputs of Teams and checks theirproductivity. In case of low outputs, s/he will contact the concernedSupervisor.</li>
<li>Receive monitoring reports from the PO’s Monitoring Teamsand BISP’s External and Internal Monitoring Teams, and resolve any issuethat may have been raised</li>
<li>Take corrective measures for issues identifiedas a result of spot-checks either conducted by the BISP’s team, PO internalmonitoring or Operations Review Firm.</li>
<li>Regular Submission of UnionCouncil Level Progress Report</li>
<li>Formulate field plan by the work plan of IAD under the guidance of Assistant Manager and approval of Sr. Manager Internal Audit in such order that all aspects of activities are audited as per the requirement of standard operating procedures and agreement with donors</li>
<li>Verification, Monitoring, and Reporting of the area of activity assigned to him/her as per the direction of Audit.</li>
<li>Assisting the internal auditors in the fulfillment of their assignments by integrating their field visits and reports with them and helping them develop an adequate field plan of the financial and program audit findings.</li>
<li>Physical verification of activities under project like Loan to microfinance clients, any asset provided to the beneficiary under any core project, any activity /training carried out under any project, and knowledge of insurance component under any project.</li>
<li>Verification and cross-verification of field record provided to each beneficiary CO/VO/LSO by SRSO as per requirements of agreements with donors /SRSO policies / manual with the record available at unit offices /branch/districts & Head Offices.</li>
<li>Examine authority of records available with beneficiary /client CO/VO LSO and verify the physical progress of various projects through field visits to various communities at district levels.</li>
<li>Verification of data of clients/beneficiaries are reported/entered / in management information system (MIS) with data being obtained at CO/VO/LSO level.</li>
<li>Interviewing the beneficiaries to obtain evidence of the work performed by SRSO field staff, about the behavior of SRSO staff benefits from any loan /asset/training served by the SRSO, and awareness of processing of any such activity</li>
<li>Examine and Evaluate MIS, thereby recommending controls to ensure system liability and data integrity</li>
<li>Undertake special investigation under the supervision of the Head Internal Audit and the directives of the Audit Committee and analyze the performance to determine whether a program or project is effectively accomplishing its goals.</li>
<li>Evaluating the compliance with laws & regulations, management policies, especially the provisions contained in the agreement with various donors, and report writing of events of non-compliance</li>
<li>Prepare reports containing observations, comments, and recommendations based on carried out work on a daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly basis</li>
<li>Immediate reporting of any fraud occurrence, the chance of fraud, mismanagement, malpractices, complaints regarding CO/VO/LSO level along with evidence acquired</li>
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