divpstrong SULAIMAN KHAN/strong/p
pstrong /strong strong EMAIL: SULAIMANBUNER32@GMAIL.COM/strong/p
pstrong PHONE: 03329499220/strong/p
pstrongINTRODUCTION ; /strongMy name is sulaiman khan i belong to district buner village torwarsak tehsile daggar /p
pstrongQUALIFICATION ;/strong I have completed my degree in mangnment science BBA (HONS) specialization in finance in agood percentage of 2.76/p
pstrongEXPERIENCE ; /strongI have a good experience of accountant upto 6th months . I have already worked with alkhalid school and collage . And i have already a good experience of sale consultant of 3 month where i sale a insurance product and worked with EFU LIFE ASSURANCE LTD /p/div