|Interlooop |Amal|Dawlance |Mechanical Engineer| UET Lahore | final year| looking for Grraduate Trainee Program |
Spended one year for technical skills and career development coaching program Joined
We-Intech international workshop of three days and interacted with senior management and mentors to pursue the successful careers.
Internship:Designed a Carpoard for Dawlance by SOLIDWORK
Skills development: leadership skills, global networking, interpersonal skills, team work, SOLIDWORKS
Career development project sponsored by Stanford University and PepsiCo. Completed the career development program by competing 5500 candidates and enhanced my professional skills and interpersonal skills.
Skills development: Developed work-relationship, leadership skills, problem solving, decision making, active listening, emotional intelligence, conflict management, self-awareness, confidence and presentation skills
Demonstrated the operation and working process of diesel and gas engine at power generation. Modelled a design of screw-gauge by solidworks
Skills development: Networking skills, communication skills, some tools and technique relating to interpersonal skills, presentation skills, and professional growth