
Karachi University
ماسٹرز, MSc, ‎

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ابتدائی Admin Operations Management
ابتدائی Admin Task Planning
ابتدائی Analytic Reporting
ابتدائی  Talent Acquisition
ابتدائی B2B Sales
ابتدائی Branch Support
ابتدائی Building Strong Relationships:
ابتدائی Business Development Skills
ابتدائی Business Development Process
ابتدائی Business Development Strategies
ابتدائی Cash Flow Reporting
ابتدائی Communication Skills
ابتدائی Coordination Skills
ابتدائی Credit Collection Recovery
ابتدائی Customer Acquisition Skills
ابتدائی Customer Care Representation
ابتدائی Customer Interaction Management
ابتدائی Customer Relationship Management
ابتدائی Customer Service Skills
ابتدائی Debt Recovery
ابتدائی Donor Management
ابتدائی End to End Sales
ابتدائی End-to-End Sale
ابتدائی Front Office Support
ابتدائی Ledger Management
ابتدائی Listening to Customers
ابتدائی Manage Client Relationships
ابتدائی Marketing Research Management
ابتدائی Mobilization
ابتدائی MS Excel
ابتدائی Negotiation Skills
ابتدائی Official Tasks Handling
ابتدائی Payroll Management
ابتدائی Persuasion Customer
ابتدائی Public Health Education
ابتدائی Quick Learner
ابتدائی Record Keeping
ابتدائی Relations Management
ابتدائی Relationship Building
ابتدائی Relationship Management
ابتدائی Sales Management
ابتدائی Time Management Skills

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