
I have Master degree in Environmental Sciences from University of Peshawar (UoP) and more than 17 years of progressive working experience in humanitarian and development sector and qualified for challenging assignments in humanitarian and developmental projects management, operation, quality assurance, technical backups, stakeholders management, reporting and monitoring. 

During my carrier I have been experienced to work across the country in all four provinces in several humanitarian responses including earthquakes, rain flood, urban flood, riverine flood, IDPs/TDPs displacement, FATA/IDPs/TDPs returns, winterization, Cold-wave, heatwave and COVID-19.

I have successfully led and supervise the program, external stakeholders and operational management in several humanitarian responses in the thematic sectors of WaSH, emergency food security and livelihood (FSL), Early Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS), Shelter/NFIs, Cash Based Programing (CVA), CBDRM/DRR/CCA, Contingency Plans, Emergency Response Plan (ERP) with financial funding of reputed donor agencies included BHA (OFDA), FCDO (UK-Aid), ECHO, START Fund, NDC (Natural Disaster Consortium) IOM, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN-WFP, UN-FAO, GIZ, Japan Embassy, Sida, IR families.

I also have 10 plus years specific operational management experience in managing of humanitarian program financial, human resource, logistics/Supply Chain & Services, M&E and MIS at districts and provincial level.

I have a good deal of knowledge management, humanitarian responses in multiple disasters in Pakistan and qualified for challenging position in leading role. I am very much comfortable with challenging environment and communicating very effectively with various linguistic, foreign culture and customs colleagues with the opportunity to learn and solve the complex challenges and exploring the opportunities.

Currently I am working in Islamic Relief Pakistan as Emergency Response Coordinator in Peshawar, KP office, thus I am confident to utilize my skills, technical knowledge and experience of operational managements to serve the organization with additional role and responsibilities and lead the province team.


Humanitarian Response - Flood 2022
WASH IPC, ODF Plust (PATS), Wash in School (WinS)
Emergency response to conflict affected population- ECHO, OFDA, DFID projec
Natural Disaster Consortium, Multi-Year Humanitarian Program-MYHP


کمپنی کا لوگو
Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC)
Islamic Relief Pakistan
دسمبر ۲۰۲۲ - موجودہ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Program Development & Implementation:
Lead and guide the area humanitarian program and operational departments management, scales up portfolio, designing humanitarian response plans, implementation, program monitoring and reporting
Leading the humanitarian and seasonal flagship programs at provincial level
Closely coordinate and collaborate with IR field, area, country offices thematic leads and operational sections of finance, SC&S, MEAL, grant, Media & com. thematic leads and reporting for their timely and effective involvement in projects planning, budgeting, execution and reporting to donors;
Capacity building of program team and operational support in planning, designing and execution of humanitarian responses program of IR partner and donors (DEC, IOM, UNDP, UNICEF, BHA)
Participate and represent IR Pakistan in external collaboration, coordination and working group meetings of PHF, WASH/FSL/Protection
Establishes partnerships with private sector, academia and government line departments PDMA, Relief Rehabilitation & Settlement (RR&S) department, Rescue 1122 and Research & Development Institutes
Assisted in preparation/planning the funding, contingency, preparedness and response strategies at provincial level in consultation of link departments in area/country level
Financial budgets/BVAs review and monitoring of humanitarian projects
Lead and guide the humanitarian projects donors/senior management visits to field areas
Operational Management:
Closely supervise and monitor the humanitarian program financial funds managements, supply chain and services (SC&S) deliveries
Supervision of operations compliance procedures for humanitarian program and build a strong communication with area and country office  team for better implementation of operations
General Management:
Lead the humanitarian program weekly, monthly  and quarterlycoordination meetings and share the minutes of meeting to area office
 Liaise with IR Pakistan area office for operational and projects related communications and reporting with area, field and country office
Liaise with government authorities, PDMA, RR&S, P&D, Line Depts., LEA and NGOs to set up better plan & coordination
Strong communication and coordination with SC&S and APM on security SOPs execution

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Project Officer - Project Lead - Integrated WASH, FSL and Protection
Islamic Relief Pakistan
دسمبر ۲۰۲۱ - نومبر ۲۰۲۲ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Project Implementation:

Leading the IR-USA 1.3 million USD funded project in urban settlements of district Peshawar and Orakzai tribal district;
400 farmers capacitated in backward and forward value chain components of Walnut and Backyard Poultry farming  in Orakzai
5 Union Councils Urban WaSH services improvement activities initiated with the collaboration of Water and Sanitation Services Peshawar (WSSP) in 17 Polio Super High Risk Union Councils (SHRUCs).
Lead and guide the project dynamic team in two districts in planning, operational management and implementation
Directly supported the area and country office in disaster response plans and implementations in Monsoon floods 2022-23 with project designing and implementations
Initiate the  localization “Community Driven Approach” in newly merged district of Orakzai for food security, community restoration schemes and WASH facilities
Initiate the innovative MODEL Street introduced in the project
Project review, monitoring, meetings, financial review/BVA and reporting as per the donor and office requirements
Lead and guide the project teams in two districts with capacity building, project implementations and reporting

Operational Management:

Closely supervise and monitor the work of finance, supply chain and services (SC&S) department at district level
Supervision of operations compliance procedures within the base and build a strong communication area office  team for better implementation of operations

General Management:

Lead the base weekly and monthly coordination meetings and share the minutes of meeting to area office
 Liaise with IR Pakistan area office for operational and projects related communications and reporting
Liaise with government authorities, LEA and NGOs to set up better plan & coordination
Strong communication and coordination with SC&S and APM on security SOPs execution 

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager - PATS+, WASH IPC
Qatar Charity
جولائی ۲۰۲۱ - نومبر ۲۰۲۱ | Quetta, Pakistan

Project Implementation:

Lead the 30+ staff of program, HR, Logistics, MEAL, Advocacy and reporting in two districts Quetta and Naseerabad of Balochistan Province.
215 villages, 170 schools and 70 health facilities focused for the PATS Plus program with financial funding of UNICEF
Donor, and interlinked multi Govt. stakeholders management, coordination and collaboration toward the SDGs 6 goals and Balochistan PATS Plus status.
Monthly and quality review meetings, BVA reviews and reporting

Operational Management:

Closely supervise and monitor the work of finance, supply chain and services (SC&S) department at provincial level donor funded project
Supervision of operations compliance procedures within the province and build a strong communication  with country office  team for better implementation of operations and project
Strong communication and coordination with SC&S and Program Manager at country office on security SOPs execution in project localities of Quetta and Naseerabad

General Management:

Lead the base weekly, monthly  and quarterly coordination meetings and share the minutes of meeting to country  office
 Liaise with Qatar Charity Pakistan country office for operational and projects related communications and reporting
Liaise with stakeholders included the government authorities (Local government, PHED, Health, Education, Social Welfare), LEAs, donor (UNICEF) and NGOs to strengthen the coordination and synergies for project.


کمپنی کا لوگو
Technical Adviser
ACTED Pakistan
مئی ۲۰۲۱ - جون ۲۰۲۱ | Islamabad, Pakistan

·Leading the Alliance 2015 Pakistan 5 INGO network for the preparation of Joint Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan - JEPReP 2021-22 with direct consultation and collaboration of Alliance 15 members (INGOs), Alliance Hub-Brussel and ACTED Country Direct/HQ with regular technical backstopping and plans. 
·Providing technical inputs in emergency response programs of WASH, FSL, Shelter and relief e.g. DRF (Start Fund), NDC (Natural Disaster Consortium) and other project developments with collaboration of grant, finance, AME and operation sections.
·Leading the organization as Technical Lead in working groups/clusters and donor meetings.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager - COVID 19
ACTED Pakistan
جولائی ۲۰۲۰ - اپریل ۲۰۲۱ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Leading as Manager the Natrural Disaster Consortium -NDC COVID-19 emergency response in urban communities of two provinces, Khyber Pakthunkhwa and SINDH.
COVID-19 RCCE (Risk Communication and Community Engagement) component implementation to reach the COVID-19 high risk zones population through mulitple mediums
Hand Washing Stations installation with foot operated and operation and maintanance toolkits in public high risk zones
Distribution of soaps, COVID-19 integrated messages IEC materials 
Emergecy cash assistance to vulnerable and COVID-19 affected households as per COVID-19 guidelines;
Capacity building and training on the use of PPE (Personel Preventive Equipments) as per WHO guidelines
Project financial, logistics, human resources, database and assets management 
Coordination and collaboration with stakeholders on COVID-19 contextual analysis and situaiton monitoring through several active working groups of  PHF-NHN Health Working Group, WASH Working Group (national and provincials), ER working group, FSL working group, MHM working group etc.

کمپنی کا لوگو
WASH Technical Adviser
ACTED Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۲۰ - جون ۲۰۲۰ | Chitral, Pakistan

Thematic responsibility, to lead the WASH components of the DFID funded multi years Building Disaster Resilience Program BDRP in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and special assistance to country office and Sindh province as technical advisor on water, sanitation and hygiene activities designing, budgeting, implementation protocols and quality control measuring indicators. The integration of WASH components with emergency formal and non-formal livelihood, shelter, DRR (CBDRM) and social cohesion in the natural disaster affected communities.
Lead the team in coordination and collaborations with consortium partners, govt. line agencies (PHED, Local Govt. CDLD, TMA etc.), UN lead cluster (WASH), humanitarian agencies and donor agency for contextual challenges, gap analysis and mitigation measures.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Projects Manager
ACTED Pakistan
جولائی ۲۰۱۸ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۹ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Thematic responsibility, to lead and manage Multi Years Humanitarian Program (MYHP), a DFID funded multi years and sectors complex emergencies humanitarian program “RELIEF” in the sectors of WASH, EFSL, Shelter and CoRe sectors. The direct project implementation and Implementing Partners (IPs) management for program, Logistics and financial resources management of 4.3 million GBP for four years in complex emergency humanitarian response across settle and merged tribal districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Projects Coordinator
ACTED Pakistan
اگست ۲۰۱٦ - جون ۲۰۱۸ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Program Coordination:

Leading and guide the humanitarian projects teams in designing, planning, implementation, quality assurance and reporting;
Implementing Partner’s (IPs) operational resources management and projects implementation monitoring
Leading the coordination with the alliance partners, donor(s), clusters, and external stakeholders. The OFDA funded 1.2 million USD and DFID funded 4.3 million GBP projects successfully leaded and implanted in displaced and return areas of merged districts Khyber, Orakzai, North Waziristan.
Capacity building of IPs projects team on operational compliances, implementations, monitoring and reporting
Leading the coordination and communication with area and country office operational, grant and senior management team

General Management:

Lead the area office Weekly Coordination Meetings (WCMs),  Monthly  Coordination Meetings (MCM) and Quarterly Coordination Meetings (QCMs) and devised the strategic scaling up actions with area and country senior managements
 Liaise with country office for operational and projects related communications, coordination and reporting
Liaise with stakeholders included the government authorities (PDMA, FDMA/Complex wing, PHED, Health, Education, Social Welfare), LEAs, donor and NGOs to strengthen the coordination and synergies for project in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa including merged districts

کمپنی کا لوگو
Deputy Area Coordinator - Program
ACTED Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۱۲ - جولائی ۲۰۱٦ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Program Implementation:

To lead the projects implementation and quality control with direct supervision of all projects managers and supporting operational departments including logistics, finance, HR/Administrations, AMEU/MEAL and MIS/Database.
Coordination and liaising with external stakeholders, donor agencies, clusters and Govt. line departments, to shape a forward looking programmatic and operation directions for projects implementations.
Lead role on IPs Due Diligences, mitigation measures development, Budget and concept notes/proposal reviews and negotiations for project implementation across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Leading focal person for WASH, Shelter & EFSL projects designing, planning, and budgeting with direct assisting country project development & technical advisors on projects proposals and strategies development for country mission.
Leading the ACTED area office in external coordination and WASH, Shelter, FSL, CoRe, Protection, CCCM, Education clusters and donor thematic meetings at provincial and country level.

Organization Management Internally:

Implementation and follow up of all program activities (WASH, Shelter, Livelihood & Food security) in the Base.
Ensure completion and regular (weekly) update of PMF for projects implemented.
Ensure effective integration and mainstreaming of gender and other cross cutting themes into all projects;
Build and/or improve systems to supervise and manage the implementation, monitoring, learning and evaluation of program;
Manage human, logistics and financial resources and materials within program in an efficient way;
Administer program budgets and evaluate program financial effectiveness through financial analysis and forecasting

Organization Management Externally:

Liaise with the local donors at provincial level, IPs and the local authorities, working group clusters and other stakeholders;
Security planning and advising on security and crises management strategies and implementation at base level;
Participate in fundraising and proposal writing for scaling up of ACTED programmatic activities in the area;

FLATS (Finance, Logistics, Administration, Transport, Security) Management:

Closely supervise and monitor the work of finance, Human Resources/administration, audit and logistics.
Supervision of FLATS operational system and procedures within the base and build a strong communication with country FLATS operational team for better implementation of compliance system;
Respect ACTED FLATS compliance system and provide all FLATS documents for country FLAT & Coordination review and audit;

General Management:

Chair the base Weekly, monthly and quarterly coordination meetings and share the minutes of meeting to country office
Liaise with ACTED country office for any base related operational,  security or administrative challenges
Liaise with government authorities, donor and NGOs to set up better plan and coordinate the base activities;
Strong communication with ACTED national staff and transfer their requirements and suggestions on time to ACTED country office;

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Manager WASH
ACTED Pakistan
دسمبر ۲۰۱۰ - جنوری ۲۰۱۲ | Swat, Pakistan

WASH Program Management:

Leading and guide the integrated WASH & emergency response projects in designing, budgeting, planning, implementation, quality back stopping and monitoring.
Leaded the organization representations at clusters, donor and stakeholder meetings. Staff capacity building and technical advisories on project components and activities implementation.
Technical supervision and quality control of the WASH and emergency projects implementation
Capacity building of projects staff on WASH technical back stopping and operational guidance on adaptation of SPHERE standards, HAPs standards and WHO emergency guidelines
Capacity building trainings of project staff on WASH in emergencies, Behavior Change Communication (PHAST, CHAST, 3 Start etc. approaches),   and DRR integration in WASH services
Leading and guide the projects managers in financial reviews, donor reporting and external coordination with stakeholders
Leading and guide the organization scaling up funding, WASH strategy and frame work development

General Management:

Liaise with ACTED country office for WASH and emergency projects related operational,  security or administrative challenges
Liaise with government authorities, donor and NGOs to set up better plan and coordinate at provincial levels

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator
ACTED Pakistan
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۹ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۰ | Dir, Pakistan

Lead the direct implementation of integrated WASH and EFSL project implementation in Dir Lower with management of 18 plus project staff and other supported departments. Being a project coordinator responsible to implement the project as per the project log frame and achieved the desirable outputs and outcomes with successful project management and reporting to donor ECHO.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Field Coordinator
North West Development Associates (NWDA) - A consulting Firm
مئی ۲۰۰۸ - اکتوبر ۲۰۰۹ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Project: UNICEF/ERRA funded Development of Water Source Protection Plans, in EQAA of KP
Project: IOM funded Governor's Special Development Program-FATA (Khyber Agency)
Project: USAID funded PSDW-HPP/Abt. Development of PHED WSS MIS/GIS & Capacity building-KPK
Project: ADB funded Rigorous Impact Evaluation of Rural Water Supply & Sanitation project Punjab (P-RWSSP)
Project: USAID funded PSDW-HPP/Abt. Development of PHED WSS MIS/GIS & Capacity building-FATA/FRs

کمپنی کا لوگو
Water Quality Monitoring Field Coordinator
Society for Sustainable Development (SSD), NGO
اگست ۲۰۰۵ - اپریل ۲۰۰۸ | Mansehra, Pakistan

A carrier grower and quick learner became the organization focal person for Water Quality Monitoring of all WASH projects across the KP and AJK missions. Leading the organization in field coordination for projects quality control and presenting the organization with donor agencies and external stakeholders for emergency responses in-camps and off-camp water quality situation reports and precautionary measures as surveillance protocols, particularly for UNICEF funded projects. Developed the Water Quality Monitoring manuals and guidelines for pumping and gravity WSS.


University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, Environmental Sciences‎
Environmental Economics, Environmental Chemistry, GIS And Remote Sensing, Environmental Planning And Management, NRM
فی صد 77%
University of Peshawar
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان سائنس, B.Sc. Statistics and Mathematics.‎
Mathematics, Pakistan Studies, Statisitcs
درجہ A
انٹرمیڈیٹ / اے لیول, فیکلٹی آف سائنس (پری انجینئرنگ), Faculty of Science (F.Sc.)‎
Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Urdu, Pakistan Study
فی صد 62%
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Peshawar
میٹرک / او لیول, سائنس, Secondary School Certificate (SSC)‎
Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Pakistan Study, Urdu
درجہ A

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Accounts / Manager
ماہر Adaptability Skills
متوسط Admin Operations Management
ماہر Admin Task Management
ماہر Advocacy
ماہر Advocate of Teamwork
ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Aseptic Technique Knowledge
ماہر Assessment tools
ماہر Budget Monitoring
ماہر Budget Preparation Skills
ماہر Budgeting
ماہر Build and Maintain Relationships
ماہر Build Strong Teams
ماہر Building Community
ماہر Building Organizational Capability
ماہر C Problem Solving
ماہر C++ Knowledge
ماہر Capacity Building
ماہر Cash Management
ماہر Climate Change
ماہر Collaborative Leadership
ماہر communication & networking
ماہر Communication & Outreach
ماہر Community Development Approaches
ماہر Community Mobilization Skills
ماہر Compliance with Safety Protocols
ماہر Computer Profcient
ماہر Conceptual Skills
ماہر Configuration Switches
ماہر Conflict Management
ماہر Content Media Management
ماہر Coordination & Facilitation
ماہر Coordination and Team Management
ماہر Cost Benefit Analysis
ماہر Critical Thinking
ماہر Cross-Cultural Communication Skills
ماہر Cultural Diversity
متوسط Data Analysis
ماہر Data Collection
ماہر Data Governance
ماہر Database Management
ماہر Decission Making Skills
ماہر Designing And Managing Cash Transfer
ماہر Development Of Manuals And Systems
ماہر Disaster Management
ماہر Disaster Risk Reduction
ماہر Donor Communication
ماہر Donor Relationship Management
ماہر Donor Research


ماہر پشتو
ماہر انگریزی
ماہر اردو
ابتدائی پنجابی

Farhad آپکے جاننے والے

Israr Ud Din
Secours Islamique France SIF
Javed Hussain Jokhio
APEX Consulting Pakistan
Muhammad Waseem
Scatec ASA
Nouman Ilyas
International Water Management Institution