
Kamran Panizai is an experienced professional having expertise in Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Program Development, Protection and other related fields. He has successfully implemented several large and complex projects of Education, Health, Community Institutional Development, WASH, IWRM both in the context of development as well as emergency response. During these jobs, Kamran has managed large number of staff and has imparted trainings on various topics including CMST, CBDRM, Enterprise Development, O&M, WinS, SLTS, CLTS etc.
Kamran has worked with diverse types of donors during his project implementation experience including Johanniter International Assistance, Emergency Response Fund (ERF), UNHCR, Save The Children, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, GIZ and UNOCHA. Coordination with above mentioned donor agencies have developed his knowledge about different SoPs and capacitated his communication skills to large extent.

Skills Summary

Program Development and Implementation
Development of Programs including baseline study, logical frameworks, Financial budgets and work plans.
Implementing complex and integrated projects in the field as per the design approved by donor agencies.

Project cycle management, including financial management (Budgeting, forecasting and BVA’s) with extensive experience of coordinating support functions of finance, human resources, administration, logistics, IT & communication and direct field experience with implementation and reporting.

Experienced in working with various donor's proposals and reporting requirements.

Communications & Information Management.Having good hand upon Training delivery on several topics in communities as well as government officials. Conducting various qualitative and quantitative surveys including Poverty Score Card, Model Disability Survey, impact assessment and other household surveys along with conducting Focused Group Discussions

Excellent written and verbal communication with good hand on report writing of every type, verbally sound in English, Pashto, Urdu and limited knowledge of other local languages.


Document Renewal and Information Verification Exercise (DRIVE)
Integrated Water Resource Management - IWRM
Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation (PATS)


Protection Case Management Associate
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
Aug 2023 - 代表 | Quetta, Pakistan

Snr. Protection Case Management Assistant
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
May 2022 - Jul 2023 | Quetta, Pakistan

Protection Assistant
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
Mar 2021 - Dec 2021 | Quetta, Pakistan

Support UNHCR protection oversight and specific activities within the registration centres, working closely with Commissionerate for Afghan Refugees (CAR) in assisting refugees through the documentation verification undertaken by NADRA. This will include functions to help ensure and maintain a protective reception where refugees are welcomed, and that the verification process is undertaken in a calm and friendly environment.

Be a first responder to queries from the refugees regarding the verification procedure at the same time providing special attention to those refugee individuals and families that require guidance and assurance. Special care is to be provided to the elderly, persons with disabilities, very large families and/or families with many young children, unaccompanied children and other Persons with Specific Needs (PSNs).

Actively look out for and help to identify any PSNs or individuals that appear to require greater care and attention and in doing so provide them all reassurances and explain the purpose of the DRIVE. As necessary the Protection Assistant may also assist a vulnerable individual through the process, assuring them of the confidential nature of the information that they provide in response to the questions that will be asked by NADRA. The Protection Assistant may encourage the concerned refugee family and/or individual family members to provide fullest possible information in response to the questions that are of a sensitive nature.

Liaise closely with CAR staff to ensure the timely identification of PSNs for any immediate support that they require during the DRIVE. This may include ensuring that such persons are prioritized by NADRA and that the any additional on-site care and attention is provided.

Conduct initial urgent protection interviews of needy individuals - in accordance with the UNHCR Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that will be provided.

Respond to refugees' questions regarding the DRIVE procedures in the centres and th

Program Officer DRM
Muslim Aid
Jun 2020 - Mar 2021 | Killa Saifullah, Pakistan

- Managing and leading the project at district level
- Developing the Detailed Implementation Plan of the project to calrify the activities and respective responsibilities.
- Identification of target UCs and villages on need basis through coordination with district administration.
- Formation and capacity building of village disaster management Committees (VDMCs) in target villages which are vulnerable to disasters, focusing on land erosion caused by water.- Identification of potential sites in target villages and conducting Social and technical survey of the site.
- Formation and capacity building of School disaster management Committees (SDMCs) in schools identified through district education office.
- Campaigning for awareness raising regarding the prevailing disaster among villagers and students.- Development of Disaster Management plan / contigency plans through involvemnet of villagers and students in target villages and schools, respectively.
- Coordination with district administration, concerned line department and other project stakeholders for smooth implementation of the activities.-

Program Officer Livelihood
Taraqee Foundation
Nov 2019 - Jul 2020 | Quetta, Pakistan

- Overall Managemnet of 2 Skill Centers in daily operations
- Identification of female beneficiaries based on the vulnerability criteria / SGBV survival through Social Mobilization.
- Assessment of the applicants for finalizing the selection process.
- Ensuring the daily skill classes in different trades in both centers and course completion within the allocated period of 6 months.
- Developing manuals for and facilitating the Conduction of daily and weekly sessions with beneficiaries on SGBV prevention and control, Basic Numeracy and Literacy, Health & Hygiene etc.
- Coordination with Trade Testing Board (TTB) for registration, examination and award of certificate after completing the course.
- Exhibiting the products developed by refugee artisans during training to get them oriented with market trends and accessibility.
- Dealing with the cash expense incurred at centers in order to timely availability of funds, when needed.
- Working on PCA and budget finalization and revision, whenever required.
- Reporting to donor on weekly, monthly and quarterly basis regardinbg the progress of the project.
- Attending Coordination meeting with donor an dother stakeholders on regular basis.

Project Manager Emergency WASH
Water, Environment and Sanitation Society
May 2019 - Nov 2019 | Killa Abdullah, Pakistan

RESPONSIBILITIES:. Overall management of Project activities from planning to evaluation stage.. Planning the project implementation strategy at the start of the project. Coordination with relevant Government line departments at district level for rapport building, site identification, seeking technical support and sharing progress.
. Managing the development of BoQs through engineering staff and getting it approved from donor.
. Attending community meetings and sessions facilitated by mobilization team and giving feedback on the process.
. Training the VO members on CMST, CBDRM.
. Keeping regular check on soft and hard components of the project by using various monitoring tools.
. Coordination with Provincial Disaster Management Authority and WASH cluster during the project tenure by sharing progress reports and attending WASH Sectoral and multi-sectoral meetings on monthly and quarterly basis, respectively.
. Ensuring smooth liaison among the project stakeholders including donor, WESS management, WASH cluster at PDMA, concerned line department and DDMA.
. Developing Reports as per project document including inception report, progress report, monitoring report and Project completion report.
. Concluding the project at the end through proper closure of field operations, logistic return to head office and taking completion certificates from.concerned government authorities at district level
. Successfully rehabilitated WASH facilities in 25 schools and 4 health centers accompanied by the rehabilitation of 5 DWSS in communities.
. Developed WASH clubs in schools and health facilities while Village Organizations in communities followed by trainings on CMST, CBDRM and

Project Manager - Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
Water, Environment and Sanitation Society - WESS
Oct 2017 - Feb 2019 | Pishin, Pakistan

- Conducting Need Assessment of Karezes in target villages through Focused Group Discussions, individual and community interviews and technical assessment
- Assisting technical staff in developing BoQs and drawings of the proposed work
- Developing proposal (Both Technical and Financial) based on the findings of assessment and submitting to GIZ Pakistan Country Office.
- Ensuring resource mobilization after the project approval including staff hiring and other logistic arrangements
- Developing village committees for sustainability of project intervention.
- Supporting Technical and Social teams in conducting and accomplishing the project activities as per the project plan.
- Coordinating with concerned line departments and other stakeholders of the project
- Reporting to GIZ on monthly and quarterly basis

Supervisor - Model Disability Survey
Taraqee Foundation
Aug 2017 - Oct 2017 | Ziarat, Pakistan

 Capacity building of survey staff on WHO international Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) through a 3 days training sessions.
 Ensuring coordination with stakeholders and Government line departments at district level for taking NOC and sharing progress.
 Field arrangements and resource mobilization for activities on the ground.
 Overseeing the process of household identification through randomized selection approach
 Supervising the interviews conducted by male and female enumerators through regular visits in target villages and ensuring the criteria for respondent selection to be fulfilled.
 Timely conducting Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informants interviews (KII) as per the requirement of survey plan.
 Conducting daily meetings with enumerators for progress sharing, discussing issues in questionnaire or field and providing feedback.
 Checking each and every questionnaire after being filled to point out errors and flaws prior entry in the software.
 Verifying the data entered in customized version of CS-Pro software by data entry operator. Sharing the rectified data with TF head office on weekly basis.
 Sharing progress on daily and weekly basis with TF head office and other stakeholders.

 Successfully completed Model Disability Survey in district Ziarat of Balochistan, being the pioneer attempt in Pakistan.
 Supervised 450 interviews in target villages of district Ziarat for Model Disability Survey of World Health Organization.
 Survey findings were compiled in CS-Pro software and shared with WHO Headquarters

Team Leader (School Development Program)
Water, Environment and Sanitation Society - WESS
Feb 2017 - Jun 2017 | Harnai, Pakistan

 Development of Project through excessive coordination with MPCL and PPAF teams including work plan and financial details and LFA.
 Inception of project implementation by coordination with respective stakeholders and developing work plans for each school.
 Ensuring revision of implementing plan for each schools based on the requirement identified by Education Department and the administration of respective school.
 Supervising the project soft and hard activities in all schools as per LFA and BoQs developed and approved.
 Ensuring that the BoQs and drawings are followed in construction of additional class rooms, boundary wall, latrines, water storage and septic tanks and pavements.
 Getting logistic support to ensure supplies to schools including computers, sewing machines, furniture items, sports items, stationary items, books and swings and slides along with several teaching and technical kits.
 Making arrangements for conducting soft activities of the intervention like teachers training on ECE and pedagogy, developing and capacity building of School Management Committees on their roles, responsibilities and enrollment drives, hiring of additional teachers etc.
 Coordination with concerned staff of MPCL and PPAF during project implementation and incorporating their feedback in the field activities on regular basis
 Reporting the progress to PPAF and MPCL on monthly basis

 All three schools were developed in terms of infrastructure, facilities and quality of education.
 Effective coordination was ensured among WESS (the implementing Partner), PPAF (partner with MPCL) and MPCL (under the CSR project of whom, activities were conducted)
 successful closure of programme through getting Work Completion Certificates and submission of Project Completion Report.

Project Manager (WASH)
Water, Environment and Sanitation Sociey (WESS)
Jan 2015 - Jan 2017 | Killa Saifullah, Pakistan

• Supervision of soft and hard components of PATS project.
• Conducting village profiling survey in target union councils to analyze the WASH baseline.
• Facilitating project staff on Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and School Led Total Sanitation (SLTS).
• Leading the Advocacy Campaign for Behavior Change regarding hygiene practices in target communities.
• Managing to conduct training for local entrepreneurs and masons.
• Supervising the construction of demonstration latrines for 5% extremely vulnerable households in target villages
• Managing the soft and hard component of WASH in School interventions.
• Capacity building and advocating the Education officials on WASH in school and 3-Star approach.
• Coordinating with Third Party Field Monitors in the field as well as at provincial level.
• Monitoring the entire activities of PATS and WASH in School projects.
• Keeping close coordination with project stakeholders at district as well as provincial level.
• Reporting to Donor on monthly and quarterly basis.

• Constructed 1,300 demonstration latrines for extremely vulnerable households and ensuring construction of 2,500 latrines to be constructed by communities on self-help basis.
• Declared and verified 265 villages as Open Defecation Free (ODF) in two districts through effective mobilization and community involvement.
• Conducted Behavior Change Communication (BCC) campaign in 426 villages of two districts with 4 phases at all 4 levels to change people’s approach toward healthy hygiene practices.
• Provided complete WASH package in 86 schools along with developing WASH clubs for hygiene sessions and sustainable use of WASH facilities.
• Conducted hygiene sessions in 296 schools of district Killa Saifullah through Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material developed by UNICEF WASH section.
• Rehabilitated / constructed 9 community Drinking Water systems and established WASH committees.

Project Manager (Institutional Development & Education)
Water, Environment and Sanitation Society (WESS)
Oct 2012 - Dec 2014 | Harnai, Pakistan

Conducting and leading the Poverty Score Card (PSC) survey to assess the poverty ranking of target communities.
Conducting dialogues with communities at Mohallah / settlement level to for first tier of community institutions with the name of Community Organizations (COs).
Setting and observing the maturity indicators for 1st tier organizations into 2nd tier and then into 3rd tier.
Facilitating the process of electing office bearers in community institutions at all 3 levels.
Capacity building of community institutions on Community Management Skills, internal lending and self-help basis initiatives. Exposure visits of office bearers of these institutions was also part of capacity development initiatives.
Meeting with Head of Schools for need identification in infrastructure and education system of the school.
Planning for teacher’s training and exposure visits of school teachers as per project requirement.
Establishing ECE classes in target schools
Organizing Enrollment Campaign at the beginning of academic year
Working on mitigating student drop-out through mobilization
Assessing school needs and fulfilling accordingly
Getting community involved in school intervention by making or reviving PTSMCs.
Establishing and running Adult Literacy Centers in target villages with the assistance of NCHD.
Keep check on the financial dealings of project.
Conducted and led Poverty Score Card (PSC) survey in 1,300 households of 56 villages in UC Khost District Harnai of Balochistan.
Developed 113 community Organizations (1st Tier), 16 Village Organizations (2nd Tier) and 1 Local Support Organization (3rd Tier) in target UC.
All 130 community institutions were capacitated through trainings and exposure visits during a period of 2 years.
Established and ran 2 Adult Literacy Centers in target union Council, educating 47 adults, mostly including coal mine workers, with basic literacy course of 6 months

Short Term Consultant (RAHA)
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
Aug 2012 - Oct 2012 | Quetta, Pakistan

• Assessing the need of future RAHA interventions by specifying UC wise needs and preferences of the communities.
• Identifying gaps in the implemented RAHA intervention through detailed meetings with stakeholders focusing beneficiaries.
• Collecting required information regarding RAHA intervention.
• Contacting and meeting with various organizations for collecting data of RAHA districts and projects under implementation.
• Assembling the collected data.
• Interpreting the data collected from different sources.
• Incorporating the figures into format to give it a presentable form.
• Continuously sharing the progress with supervisor and head of SOQ for feedback and support.

Project Coordinator (Refugee Education)
Water Environment & Sanitation Society (WESS)
Dec 2011 - Jul 2012 | Loralai, Pakistan

• Plan the project activities by developing the monthly break-up of project work plan and ensuring its proper executing.
• Reviving existing School Management Committees (SMCs) within the Refugee villages and getting them involved in school related matters.
• Ensuring Maximum Enrollment in schools by effective mobilization of the parents of out of school children.
• Getting the data of dropped out students from schools on monthly basis and working on bringing these students back to school.
• Providing ideal teaching environment to teachers by addressing their problems and sharing with donor, if needed.
• Provision of monthly stipend to teachers and other support staff.
• Coordinating with Head teacher and Lead teachers regarding keeping the education process intact in the school and let the development prevail.
• Keep check on the financial dealings of project.
• Examine the efficiency of project staff in accordance with their ToR.
• Monitor the field activities through fortnightly visits to the project areas.
• Ensure the maximum protection of beneficiaries as well as deployment of code of conduct by the project staff.
• Maintain professional and proper coordination with partner organization and other stake holders working in the project areas.
• Identify the output of project activities in terms of project targets and goals through indicators.
• Attend the coordination meetings at provincial level.
• Make certain the proper adopting of security guidelines being issued by head office for the safety of field staff in the current scenario of the province.
• Report to donor on monthly and quarterly basis.

Shura Member (Repatriation)
Water, Environment & Sanitation Society - WESS
Apr 2011 - Dec 2011 | Quetta, Pakistan

Prepare monthly work/implementation plan and approved by project coordinator and send copy to UNHCR. Assist the Coordinator in updating project information including. Develop sustained linkages between Refugees and UNHCR/WESS in Refugees Camps and communities Prepare work plans and meeting reports based on planned project activities, strategies, actions taken at quarterly and annual basis. Indicate and enlist the names of the refugees who were not registered. Facilitate coordinator in identification and formulation of good practices and case studies. Regularly updating the organization and UNHCR regarding the repatriation and repatriation centers. Monitor each assigned project activity and regular visits of the information centers. Conducting meetings with the afghan consulate and refugees for exchanging the information regarding repatriation.

Program Controller (Relief)
Awam Developmnt Foundation (ADF)
Sep 2010 - Apr 2011 | Naseerabad, Pakistan

• Implement the project work plans.
• Check and interpret the daily reports received by field offices.
• Monitor the movement of medicine and other logistics from and toward the field office.
• Examine the efficiency of project staff in accordance with ToR and inform the program manager about the gap in performance.
• Attend the cluster meetings at provincial level.
• Share DEWS reports with epidemic cell and other concerned departments and organizations on weekly basis.
• Make the narrative and arithmetical reports of all projects for sharing with donors.
• Assist the program manager in the development of Proposals.
• Maintain the proper monitoring & evaluation of projects’ activities in terms of progress towards achievement of project objectives as per Program Quality and organization’s monitoring & Evaluation guidelines.
• Keep professional and appropriate coordination with partner organization and other stake holders working in the project areas.

Shura Member (Repatriation)
Water, Environment and Sanitation Society (WESS)
Jun 2010 - Sep 2010 | Chaghi, Pakistan

• Prepare monthly work/implementation plan and approved by project coordinator and send copy to UNHCR.
• Assist the Coordinator in updating project information including.
• Develop sustained linkages between Refugees and UNHCR/WESS in Refugees Camps and communities
• Prepare work plans and meeting reports based on planned project activities, strategies, actions taken at quarterly and annual basis.
• Indicate and enlist the names of the refugees who were not registered.
• Facilitate coordinator in identification and formulation of good practices and case studies.
• Regularly updating the organization and UNHCR regarding the repatriation and repatriation centers.
• Monitor each assigned project activity and regular visits of the information centers.
• Conducting meetings with the afghan consulate and refugees for exchanging the information regarding repatriation.

Project Assistant (MnCH)
Awam Development Foundation (ADF)
Mar 2008 - Jan 2010 | Pishin, Pakistan

• Provides technical supervision, including analysis of interim reports, participation in workshops, literature searches, identification and administration of resource persons/consultants in support of projects;
• Reviews final project reports of research results, and negotiates revisions and/or additional research requirements;
• Plans and manages project evaluations;
• Prepares project completion reports; Identifying staffing needs, undertaking recruitment of staff and managing their performance and development;
• Ensuring that the Security Plan is in place, regularly updated and procedures are followed,
• Regularly monitoring the security situation and initiating safety measures on a priority basis,
• Being responsible for safety and security of staff, property and other resources entrusted to the sub-Office

Field Coordinator (MnCH Project)
Awam Development Foundation (ADF)
Mar 2007 - Mar 2008 | Pishin, Pakistan

• Plans and manages project evaluations at field level;

• Assisting in preparation of project completion reports;

• Identifying staffing needs, supervising overall field activities and reporting to head office;

• Ensuring that the Security Plan is in place, regularly updated and procedures are followed, Regularly monitoring the security situation and initiating safety measures on a priority basis, Being responsible for safety and security of staff, property and other resources entrusted to the sub-Office;

Social Mobilizer (Advocacy Project)
Tanzeem Ittehad Nojawanan Gwal, Pishin
Jan 2006 - Mar 2007 | Pishin, Pakistan

• Contacting local communities for project activities.
• Training local leaders in the basics of organizing communities and introducing program of savings, capital formation, and skill development.
• Training concerned local persons in maintaining records, organizing savings, and developing plans for the utilization of skill training at the community level.
• Exchanging ideas and experiences with management and field staff as to inculcate the spirit of debate and discussion.
• Preparing monthly /quarterly work plan


University of Balochistan
哲学硕士, ‎
Environmental Biology
Virtual University of Pakistan
证书, Certificate in Project management (PMP)‎
Project Management
Al-Hamd Islamic University
硕士, 教育硕士学位, Masters In Education, Social Sciences‎
Education Planning And Management, Social Surveying, Community Education
所占比重 64%
University of Balochistan
学士, 教育学士学位, B.Ed.‎
University of Balochistan
硕士, MSc, Masters in Science‎
University of Balochistan
学士, , Bachelors in Science‎
Biology & Geography


熟练 Cost control
熟练 Quality Management
熟练 Accounts Management Skllis
熟练 Child Protection
中级 Child Protective Services
熟练 Community Engagement
熟练 Community Institutional Development
中级 Conducting Community Based Surveys
熟练 Configuration Switches
熟练 Conservation Awareness
中级 Emergency Projects
熟练 Excellent in written English
熟练 Experience Of Developing Projects
熟练 Finance Administration
熟练 Financial and Budgeting Skills
熟练 Fluent In Other Languages
熟练 Full Project Lifecycle
熟练 Gas Generator Knowledge
熟练 International Humanitarian Law
中级 Knowledge of CLTS/PATS Plus approach
中级 Knowledge of Research and Assessment Studies
熟练 Laboratory Operations Management
熟练 Linguistic Fluency In Pashto
熟练 Manage Client Bookings
熟练 Meetings Management
熟练 Monitoring
中级 Monitoring Analysis
熟练 MS Office
熟练 On Tiime Delivery
熟练 Outlook And Web Based Email
中级 Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation
熟练 Planning Skills
熟练 Program Development
熟练 Quality Control Knitting
熟练 Report Writing
熟练 Representation And Coordination Skills
熟练 RESTful APIs
熟练 Scheduling
熟练 Sector Development
熟练 Security Principles
熟练 Stress Management
熟练 Task Management
熟练 Team Management
熟练 Understanding of Logical Framework
初学者 WASH in Emergency
中级 WASH in Schools
中级 WASH Standards
中级 Women Protection
熟练 Working Knowledge In Spoken English
熟练 المهارات المعدنية


初学者 波斯语
熟练 普什图语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语



Kamran is great. Clever, amicable, trustworthy. Someone who always gets the job done and has fun while doing it.


Mr kamran has worked on short term consultancy with UNHCR prior to me. I gone through work done by him which was very informative and helped me to complete my assignment


It is hereby certified that Muhammad Kamran is working in WESS at the capacity of Project Manager, Mr Kamran has done Master of Education from Alhamd Islamic University Quetta. he is will educated and experience in dealing with project and education management


Kamran has a track record for success, as well as a bright future.

Kamran 联系人

Syed Haider Shah Shah Bukhari
Secours Islamique France-SIF
Nizam Uddin
Taraqee Foundation
Saif Ullah
Bank Alfalah Limited