My professional experience is more than 19 years of working as Public Health Specialist (MPH, MBBS, PGCert HRHM) and in Healthcare Quality Management, both internationally (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and domestically in Pakistan. Has worked and provided technical support in different capacities to the funding programmes/projects of Government, Global Fund, BMZ, DFID UK, GIZ, USAID and AFD. Currently working as Director Projects in KP Health Foundation. There are different service provision projects mandated by the provincial government to contract out to third parties as PPP projects. I left Peshawar Institute of Cardiology-MTI as Hospital Director at the pinnacle of my career to make it first Public Sector Hospital in Pakistan to be ISO 90072015 Quality Management System Certified. I was leading and supervising all aspects of departments specifically 1. Finance Department, responsible for supervising financial management cycle of the hospital including planning budget framework, budget preparation approval, budget release from finance department management, checking cash flows, bills payments and receipts follow ups, financial reporting to Board of Governors (BoGs) Government, managing internal audit, accountant general audit third party audit 2. Human Resource Organizational Development Department, development of HR policy strategy, development of departmental organograms, HR hiring planning, recruitment process, Chairman of selection committees, onboarding and induction of new employees, ongoing assessment and appraisal of employees, continuous professional development and trainings, recognition and reward system, supervising drafting of SOPs for ISO Certification and JCIA 3. Out-Patient Department (OPD), supervising the functions of OPD including consultant clinics management, panel MoUs signing with different organizations companies, reducing waiting time at clinics, 4. In-Patient Department (IPD) supervising functions of IPD department including development of clinical departments, development of Cath Labs, Operation Rooms, MR Room, CT Scan Room, DR system rooms, Laboratory services 5. Cardiac Emergency Department, supervising the functions of Cardiac Emergency Department including triaging patients, crowd controlling, 6. Quality and Patient Safety Department, supervising functions of QPSD including drafting policies and SOPs based on ISO and JCIA standards, trainings of hospital staff on quality standards, monitoring of quality standards, doing PDCA and RCA cycles. I was earlier working in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar as Manager Quality Assurance. My main assignment was to draft, discuss and decide and then implement the Quality strategy of the hospital according to the JCIA standards. Previously, worked in Ministry of Health Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as Public Health Specialist in Riyadh. My main assignment was to implement the Total Quality Management strategy of Ministry of Health in Primary Health Care centers in the whole kingdom. I have worked in GIZ as Technical Advisor-Quality Management, during which developed Empanelment standards for the KP Social Health Insurance Programme. Conducted trainings on Quality Management for the healthcare staff. I lead the process of introducing Systemic Quality Improvement. At personal level, I am well disciplined, industrious employee with a pleasant personality. I have demonstrated great perseverance and initiative. I am a hard worker, self-motivated and committed person, grasp and expand new ideas, tackle and follow through difficult and challenging projects and achieve set objectives. An ethical, self-motivated and experienced specialist with strong communication and negotiation skills to interact and dialogue at all levels. One of my key strengths is to think horizontally and vertically at a time to solve the programmatic state of affairs timely.
Achievements/Work packages: a) Completion of civil works; b) Establishment of hospital accounts; c) Estimation of Human Resource (HR) requirements and hiring staff; d) Budgeting for the hospital.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: As the first employee of the hospital and responsible for all the administrative functions of the hospital, communicating with the Board of Governors (BoGs) with regards to HR requirements, their recruitment process, finances for the hospital with regards to capital expenditure as well as recurrent expenditure, coordinating with the staff of Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) Peshawar for their expertise and collaboration for establishment of PIC, till the staff is hired.
Programme Development, Business Plan: Listing and approving the 26 departments reporting to the Hospital Director Office for functioning of the hospital. Spearheading the process for estimating the annual HR requirements for these departments; as well as equipment requirements for the PIC. Drafting of punch-lists for the inspection of hospital; this needs to be completed prior to the Civil and Works Department handover the hospital to Hospital Administration.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting: Monitoring of the additional works for the hospital as well as drafting of the additional works PC-I for submission to Health Department for approval.
Budgeting and Financial Management: Budgeting for the next year in collaboration with the Finance Department of LRH. Collecting and evaluating the proposals of different banks for account opening of PIC. Leading the process for the establishment of reserve account for the PIC in the State Bank of Pakistan.
Procurement Planning and Logistics Management: Constituting the six committees (Pre-Bid Committee; Tender Opening Committee; Technical Evaluation Committee; Purchase Committee; Inspection Committee and Condemnation Committee) for the procurement process of purchasing all the equipment for PIC.
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Secretary to the Committees of the Hospital; b) Member of Hospital Committees;
C) Development of Quality Improvement Projects for the Clinical and Administrative Departments; d) Clinical Audit
Projects; e) Infection Prevention and Waste Management System implementation; f) Donor coordination.
Technical Advisory task: Contributing in action planning according to the recommendations of the audit team of
Shifa Foundation according to the Joint Commission International Standards for accreditation. Conducting assessment
of different units and providing technical inputs for the swift operational management. Drafting policy/planning
documents for the units to performing their tasks according to the defined protocols which are according to the
nationally and internationally accepted norms.
Secretary to the Committees of the Hospital: Working as Secretary to the Executive Clinical Board of the LRH. Also
Secretary to the Clinical Privileges Committee, Quality Control Committee, Clinical Audits Committee. Arranging the
meetings of the Committees, issuing minutes of the meetings, follow the decisions recommended during the meetings
and solve the issues during the implementation.
Member of the Committees of the Hospital: serving as member to the different hospital committees including
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Hospital Ethics Committee, Operating Room Committee, Radiation
Protection Committee, Nutrition Support Committee, Intensive Care Unit Committee, Medical Records Committee,
Infection Control Committee, Blood Bank Committee, Hospital Safety Committee.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Developing Quality Assurance Department (QAD) in LRH and doing advocacy with all the hospital staff about the purpose of the department and value of improving the quality of healthcare services. Managing the external Performance Audit visits of the Shifa Foundation; hired by Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through HCC.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Assistance in questionnaire development, checking, analysis for the PHC Centers managers assessment; b) Analysis of Health Education survey conducted during Hajj, 2016; C) Team member of Demographic Health Survey, conducted in KSA; d) Team member of implementation of Total Quality Management in selected PHC centers throughout KSA.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Persistent implementation of quality standards by PHC Center managers through coordinating and supervising them and assisting in conducting self assessments. Leading the third party PHC Centers surveys through in depended surveyors. Leading the activities related to Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI) registration of PHC Centers having rigorous dialogue.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting: Keeping continuously tracking of the implementation of activities as planned regarding capacity assessments, conduction of surveys and implementation of improvement plans for the registration of PHC Centers with CBAHI. Reporting to the Supervisors about the progress of implementation and integrating their inputs in the process to get better results. Achieving planned results by continuously supervising the Regional Health Directorates; keeping well again quality of the deliverables.
Technical Advisory task: Enhancing the capacities of field staff through technically evaluating their tasks and guiding them; resulting in achieving better outputs. Providing technical feedback to superiors in meetings and discussions; being acknowledged and incorporated. This includes advice on quality standards implementation, asking of survey questions from the communities keeping in context the cultural sensitiveness, methodology of data collection and related inputs. Doing literature reviews for identification of proper variables for research and surveys, as well as identifying there measurements methodologies.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Teaching tasks: Curriculum development for the under graduate medical students in Community Medicine. Improved Quality of Health Care Services and Infection Prevention methodologies by training Hospital and GKMC staff.
Coordination and Collaboration: Coordinating College administrative assignments with Secretary and Director General Health offices and representing in committee meetings for establishment of college. Taking measures to equip the GKMC for meeting requirements of registration with Khyber Medical University (KMU) Peshawar and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) Islamabad and conducting key meetings with these institutions.
Funding sources: BMZ Germany (3.6 Million Euros); implementation in all geographic areas of Pakistan.
Key Stakeholders: Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (NHSRC), Health Departments of all provinces including Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, BMZ, GIZ, Multi Trust Donor Fund (MTDF), Health Care Commission (HCC), Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC), Independent Monitoring Unit (IMU), Social Health Protection (SHP) Progammes at national and provincial levels, autonomous hospitals, external development partners, private health sector, consumer associations and UN organizations.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Empanelment Standards for health facilities under Social Health Protection (SHP) Project in KP; b) Quality Management (QM) Training (Manual, presentations, case studies development and conduction); c) Functional Assignment of Department of Health (DoH) in KP; d) Costing Study of health care services in KP; e) Health Accounts interventions; f) Social Health Protection/Insurance interventions, g) Member of GIZ Corporate Sustainability Handprint group.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Leading the implementation of activities of programme in KP which included capacity building of department human resources, discussions and writing and contributing to working papers/ Planning Commission Proforma-1 (PC-I) for KP Health department’s initiatives (e.g., infection prevention PC-I, Vertical Programme PC-I including HIV/AIDS, TB, Hepatitis, MNCH). Supervising administrative and logistical activities in the KP programme office. Leading activities in Quality thematic area for stakeholder mapping and result based planning.
Programme Development, Proposals and Grant Management: In guidance of Principle Advisor, writing programme proposals for commission grants of GIZ for period of usually three years in coordination with relevant stakeholders; keeping in line with the Policies.
Funding Sources: BMZ, Germany (15.8 Million Euros), French Development Cooperation (AFD) (1 million Euros; only for Health), European Commission (2.5 Million Euros); Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) (1 Million Euros; only for Livelihood) from 2009-15. Programme period 2009-22.
Key Stakeholders: BMZ, AFD, SDC, European Commission, FATA Secretariat Departments, Political Agent and affiliate offices, Local communities including Maliks, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and UN organizations.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Primary and Secondary Health Care (PHC & SHC) Standards for FATA; b) Continuous Education Programme (CEP) {Six trainings: QM, Emergency Neonatal and Obstetric Care (EmNOC), Emergency Management (EM), Infection Prevention (IP), PHC Facility Management (PHCFM) and Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI) including development of their manuals, presentations, case studies and conduction}; c) Formation of Local Quality Teams (LQTs: with community representation) in selected PHC facilities in FATA; d) Human Resource Information System (HRIS); e) Independent Project Reporting (IPR: involvement of journalists in monitoring activities) interventions; f) PHC facilities baseline assessments, drafting and implementing Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs); g) Systemic Quality Improvement (SQI) interventions; h) District Health Information System (DHIS) interventions {Data Quality survey and analysis, drafting Quality Standards, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)}; i) e-Health interventions including m-Health.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: For first one and half year worked under the supervision of Component Leader to implement the Quality Improvement Initiative (QII) for Health Care Facilities in FATA jointly with the stakeholders in the FATA Secretariat according to the agreed Operational Plan.
Funding sources: Government of KP (150 Million PKR) with Technical assistance from GIZ and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Key Stakeholders: All KP District Health Offices (DHOs), PHC and SHC facilities, GIZ, CIDA, Regional and District Commissioner offices.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Primary and Secondary Health Care (PHC & SHC) Standards for KP (including baseline surveys, primary care management committees (PCMC) formation, drafting Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and their implementation); b) Quality Management (QM) Training (Manual, presentations development and conduction); c) Infection Prevention Guidelines (including trainings, baseline survey, committees formation and implementation); d) Malakand Division Survey on PHC and SHC standards for Multi Donor Trust Funding; e) Clinical Audit interventions.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: In guidance of Project Director, leading the team in implementation of Primary and Secondary Health Care Standards in the selected facilities in selected districts of KP Province. Supervising the implementation of QIPs in the facilities and tracking achievements. Task mentoring among the staff and implementing the project activities according to the Gantt chart of Project.
Programme Development, Proposals and Grant Management: Assisting the facility staff in development of QIPs and budgeting according to the availability of funds. Lead the process of approval of QIPs through IQHCS Project approval committees chaired by Secretary Health KP. Initialed negotiations with GIZ and CIDA from the project side to work together to achieve target of availability of better health care services for the communities.
Funding sources: Federal Government of Pakistan and Government of Punjab, Pakistan.
Key Stakeholders: 12 District Health Offices (DHOs) Punjab, PHC facilities, and District Commissioner offices.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Local Health Councils formation; b) Trainings on key health issues (Manual, presentations development and conduction); c) Defining catchment area coverage of Lady Health Workers (LHWs) and Community Midwives (CMWs); d) Establishing referral system; e) Children nutritional assessments and initiatives under School Health Programme.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Form Local Health Councils (LHCs) involving PHC facility staff and selected participants from the catchment area population through Social Mobilizers. Managing the performance of field staff and supervising them to conduct School Health surveys and nutritional assessments. Reassign LHWs and CMWs their catchment population through surveying the areas according to the established system in the programme. Establish referral system between the PHC facilities and SHC facilities through rigorous coordination with the district level departments.
Programme Development, Proposals and Grant Management: Provided inputs for the extension of PC-I for the programme. Manage the district level funds distribution including salaries issues, purchase of equipments and ambulances for PHC facilities, and payments to district health staff. Convey the programme implementation issues with the supervisors and advice about proper changes in the implementation plans.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting: Monitor the programme activities on daily basis and report it to the district and federal level supervisors. Conduct district programme evaluations on quarterly basis and report writing incorporating inputs of the field staff.
Technical Advisory task: Developing training modules on common health problems and their preventive measure.
Funding sources: EC funded project (European Commission Humanitarian Office; ECHO).
Key Stakeholders: District Health Department Mansehra, World Vision Pakistan, PHC facility staff, and communities affected by earthquake disaster of 2005.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Community Health Workers trainings (Manual, presentations development and conduction); b) Psychosocial trainings (Manual, presentations development and conduction); c) Planning, recruiting staff, coordination and monitoring of program activities; d) Serving extremely vulnerable individuals; e) SPHERE standards implementation.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Managed to implement the project proposed activities by bringing in confidence in passive team and encourage them to achieve the targets in a very less time through designing the project planning tactfully and coordinating with district health department effectively. Improve health service delivery in project area through utilizing funds as well as involving other stakeholders and agreeing them on the common results. Attend meetings of the clusters for the rehabilitation of communities after the devastating earthquake of 2005. Preparing Job Descriptions (JDs) for the project staff and leading the hiring process. Keep all project records with Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.
Programme Development, Proposals and Grant Management: Prepare detailed implementation plans (DIPs) in consultation with team members and the stakeholders including district health department and health care facilities. Rescheduling the budgeting and corresponding with the EC to agree on changes in proposed project. Work with the project procurement officer for purchasing the fully functional ambulance, medicines, nutritional supplements, first aid kits and other items for the offices use.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting: Keep track of activities along with the project monitoring officer and incorporating inputs.
Funding sources: District TB Association, Global Fund.
Key Stakeholders: District TB Association, district Health Department Peshawar, Global Fund, WHO, EPOS Health Management, GIZ, local TB community groups and TB Control Programme KP.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Out Patient department management; b) Laboratory and X-Ray department management; c) Human Resource Management; d) Coordination with stakeholders.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Improve the TB case finding, registration, compliance with treatment, identification of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) cases and their timely notification and referral. Actively lead the teams in the surrounding communities to identify families of the patients and conducted screening of the families for early detection of TB and starting treatment in active TB patients. Manage the team performance and guide them in performing their day to day responsibilities. Manage the services of laboratory and radiology rooms and make them according to the quality standards.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting: Assists the department of health and its development partners (Global Fund specifically) in monitoring the incidence and prevalence of TB cases in the communities and follow-up of the registered patients, registering the new cases and perform active surveillance activities.
Technical Advisory task: Operate daily outpatient department, diagnosing patients, prescribing them and if needed referring them; advice them to visit again for follow-up. By providing proper feedback, the performance of technical staff improved in filling the data tools of TB case management and how to report properly and getting feedback from to stakeholders; in order to improve services and not repeating mistakes.
Budgeting and Financial Management: Manage the budget of the facility and the financial resource generation through utilizing the laboratory and radiology services.
Funding sources: EC funded project (European Commission Humanitarian Office; ECHO).
Key Stakeholders: Merlin, Health Secretariat AJK, ECHO, and communities affected by earthquake disaster of 2005.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Out Patient department management; b) Data collection and analysis; c) Immunization services; d) Outreach clinics and Health Education.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Operate the tented clinic in the mountainous region of AJK, hit severely by the earthquake as well as a conflict area between Pakistan and India. Work under supervision of base Incharge and performed the tasks efficiently and effectively. Lead the team of two Health Educators and two Social Organizers, to perform the outreach activities as well as educating the communities on personal hygiene, nutrition, proper wound care, mother and child health and referring ones in need of instant medical care.
Programme Development, Proposals and Grant Management: Assists base Incharge in writing proposals for further funding and reporting to the ECHO on on-going activities. Monitoring in guidance of Project Coordinator targets planned and achieving the results in a timely manner. Serving on the facilities where there is need of doctor.
Funding sources: Big Lottery Fund (UK) (£400,000)
Key Stakeholders: FATA Secretariat, Political Agent (PA) and affiliate offices, WHO, UNICEF and local communities.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
Achievements/ Work packages: a) Preparation of training manuals and presentations; b) Community group formation; c) Human Resource Management; d) Health education; e) Coordination with stakeholders.
Leadership, Management and Supervision: Design training modules and form the CBOs in the communities in agencies and Frontier Regions (FR) of FATA through mobilizing communities and increasing awareness. Proposals develop to be submitted for additional funding to Big Lottery Fund UK. Conducted Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) to identify community needs and plan according to those with them and fund them to implement their identified projects; rising ownership and capacity development. Managing the expenses in relation to trainings and reporting to Project Manager.
Technical Advisory task: Plan, organize, conduct and report training workshops in the communities through CBOs and providing feedback to FATA Secretariat. Educate the Lady Health Workers (LHWs) and communities in Public health issues including Diarrhea, HIV & AIDS, Gender, Malaria, Leishmania, Pneumonia, Fever, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Nutrition, Immunization, Mother and Child Health, Breast Feeding, and Hygiene.
Capacity Development: i) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Training, ii) Social Mobilization, iii) ToTrainers.
Responsibilities: Trainings of LHW’s & volunteers. Supervision of field staff during the campaign days. Daily meetings with stakeholders on the progress of campaign activities. Report writing and communicating alerts with the concern authorities. Leading the team during and after the campaigns.
Responsibilities: Clerking patients, requesting investigations and referrals. Ward rounds with the consultants. Learn managing various medical & surgical emergencies in Emergency department. Assist in major surgeries. Care of diabetic foot, excision of cyst and lipomas. Monitor the condition and treatment of patients. Arrange for preoperative fitness. Write discharge sheets and give follow-up instructions. Participate in routine teaching programme.
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