To obtain a challenging position in a reputed organization, where I can apply my intensive training and education to grow and to explore my abilities, as well as personal satisfaction and advancement and following are my achivements
Got 3rd highest CGPA in Bachelors in my class.
Merit certificate from Abbottabad board for remaining in top 20 students in metric exam.
Got scholarship from Superior College Sialkot.
Participation in All N.W.F.P Qi rat and Nat competition.
Got merit based scholarship award of PM Laptop scheme.
Achieved Best teacher award from Fran College during 2015-2016
These achivements show that I am highly motivated and energetic person and ready to accept a challenging job.
I have approximately 4 years of teaching experience along with best teacher award.I have good communication and writing skills. Iahve lead my class to industrial tours and different events.
I acted as trainee enfineer and was group leader of Calender plus texr line new project installed in factory. I supervised and installed maximum of the installments in the project.