Managing and administering Real Application Cluster (Oracle 11g/12C). Installation plus configuration of Oracle Real Application Cluster. Managing Resources of Real Application Cluster. (Database, ASM, Listener). Managing ASM storage (Add/Drop/Re-balance disks in Disk groups). Adding new disk groups in ASM. Migrating old ASM disks to new ASM disks and rebalance. Revoke/Create and add new ASM disks. Moving Data files, parameter files from Local Linux filesystem to ASM (Online). Implement Oracle Maximum Availability solution (MAA). In which configuring Oracle data guard between Oracle Real Application Cluster. Maintain/Administer servers configured with Oracle Data-guard between Real Application cluster & single instance, health checks, configuring RMAN policies and tuning parameters. Maintaining Flash recovery areas of RAC databases & single instance databases. Roll forward physical standby (RAC & Single instance) databases. Converting Physical standby (RAC & Single instance) databases in Read Only mode and snapshot standby mode as needed. Switchover and Switchback plus failover Oracle RAC plus single instance databases during planned and unplanned activities. Resize Mirrored Online Redo-logs and Mirrored Standby Redo-Logs placed in ASM and single instance database having files on Local Linux filesystem. Backup and restore databases. (Full, Incremental, Archives). Configure backups on TAPE Library through networker. Restore and recover backups using TAPE Library (Tape and locally on a Linux filesystem). Import/Export (Data pump) tables, schema plus database. Import/Export profiles from one system to other. Performance tuning on databases (Query’s/databases by changing tuning parameters). Performance tuning (changing bad execution plans to good execution plans against a query and embed). Remove bad/old execution plans against queries running on database. Enable/Disable and move audit policies from one database to o