Domain: Financial Solutions (Prepaid and Credit Cards)
- Analysis of client required changes
- Development of Models, Views, Controllers, Servlets, Services and DAOs
- Unit testing of code changes with IDE Debugger
- Database scripts preparation in SQL (DML and DDL)
- Troubleshooting, reproduction and fixing of bugs
- Branding of applications for new clients
- UI changes (Text, Images and color scheming) in HTML and CSS
- Check code for mistakes, optimizations and memory leakage issues
- Ensure coding best practices
- Compliance with PCI Security standards
- Deployment document preparation for application deployment on QA, Staging and Production servers
- Technical training to Level II Product support team
- Development of reusable Business and Utility Services
- Writing test cases/E2E sheets according to use cases with proper sequencing
- Functional, Usability and Security Testing of application
Clients: ReadyCredit, SEPTA,KiwiBank, CIBC Air Canada,Bendigo Bank, Cebu Air Philippines, Australia Post, Bradesco, Hallmark