
Ms. Nabia is an accomplished development manager with Master Level Education and 15 years of demonstrated experience in programme development, execution, monitoring & evaluation in emergency and non-emergency context. She’s recognized as an expert in coordination and case management. She has worked with implementing partners to provide technical backstopping on case management, psycho-social support.She has worked as child protection officer with UNICEF Pakistan . currently she is working with Secours Islamique France .


Alternate Healing -Reiki


کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Welfare Projects Manager-Islamabad
Secours Islamique France
مئی ۲۰۱۸ - موجودہ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Currently i am leading Orphan Sponsorship, Livelihood Support, Aqiqa and Childhood project under Child Welbeing Project.
Main job description is as follows

Program development
Drafted Safeguarding Policy for Pakistan Mission
Implementation of projects
Case management
Coordination with stakeholders
Financial management of child welfare program
Providing support to international visits
Capacity building
Monitoring and technical backstopping

کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Protection Officer
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
دسمبر ۲۰۱٦ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۸ | Quetta, Pakistan

1. Support to program development and planning
2. Program management, monitoring and delivery of results
3. Technical and operational support to program implementation
4. Networking and partnership building
5. Innovation, knowledge management and capacity building

Provided support to social welfare department to establish child protection commission under Balochistan child protection act,2016.
Coordinating with Labour department to conduct Child labour Survey in Balochistan with the help of consulting firm.
Provided support to Sindh province interms of training monitoring for digital birth registration.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Protection Specialist
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
مارچ ۲۰۱۵ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۵ | Freetown, Sierra Leone

• Providing technical support for case management including psycho-social support.
• Ensure effective coordination (including Pillar activities) and communication with CP actors in the designated districts including NGOs, MSWGCA, DERC, other pillars as well as with UNICEF staff.
• Ensure that UNICEF staff and implementing partners on the ground receive the necessary technical support for child protection activities.
• Ensure monitoring and follow up of all protection, GBV and CP cases.
• Ensure that documentation and reporting is integrated in everyday tasks of all partners.
• Provide technical support for family tracing and reunification and alternative care as well as providing psychosocial support to Ebola affected population.
• Ensure the procurement and distribution of relief items for Ebola response
• Compiling Ebola emergency response reports.
• Supervising national/international UNICEF staff working in Ebola emergency.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Protection Officer
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
دسمبر ۲۰۱۳ - اگست ۲۰۱۴ | Tacloban, Philippines

• Provided technical support for case management to City Social Welfare Department and child friendly staff.
• Worked closely with UNICEF field staff, the Philippines Government and in particular DSWD, provided support to enhance the capacity of child protection work, promoting and facilitating active participation from key actors and ensuring effective and results-oriented processes.
• Worked with CSWD to develop a project to establish child friendly spaces in evacuation centres as well as in temporary shelters and in the communities at the time of repatriation.
• Provided technical support to the CFS staff for quality implementation and on job training as well as to establish referral mechanism and case management.
• Worked with child protection actors to assess the needs, coordinate and oversee inter-agency needs assessment about child protection issues to map out priority protection gaps and identify key resources and assets, including existing child protection systems (both formal and informal).
• Assisted with the development of an agreed interagency child protection response strategy.
• Provided technical support on child protection emergency priorities identified by the field, as necessary
• Promoted the interagency child protection standards
• Worked with Gender-Based Violence and MHPSS working groups to ensure that CP and GBV actors work together to meet the comprehensive GBV-related needs of children.
• Supported CP programme needs including development of field and situation reports, prepared Project Cooperation Agreements and organized training session /capacity building programs for partners.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Protection Officer & Child Protection - Sub Cluster Coordinator
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) -Pakistan
مئی ۲۰۱۱ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۳ | Karachi, Pakistan

• Conducted capacity building sessions for child protection actors involved in emergency response in Sindh Province on child protection in emergency (CPiE) including case management.
• Provided technical support to UNICEF implementing partners on case management including Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases and unaccompanied and separated children.
• Introduced the concept of integrated services from the platform of PLaCES (Protective Learning and Community Based Emergency Services). PLaCES concept is just one step higher than CFSs. Basically the physical structure is just child friendly spaces but activities are focused on convergence of other sectors.
• Provide supervision and guidance to the child protection sub cluster. Set individual and team objectives and provide regular performance feedback. Responsible for management of funds allocated to the sub cluster.
• Provide technical advice to senior management on issues related to the protection of children in humanitarian emergencies.
• Provide technical support to country office counterparts in the planning, development and implementation stages of programme response for the protection of children in humanitarian emergencies, within the framework of UNICEF and CCCs.
• Strengthen and maintain links with key partners of UNICEF at country level and keep abreast of new trends and activities.

• Capacity building interventions for partners and cluster members: Worked with partners to identify capacity gapes and develop and/or revise training materials according to local context and implement relevant training sessions for multi-sectoral prevention and response of CP issues.
Roll-out SOPs for Separated Unaccompanied and Missing Children in Emergencies, SPHERE Guidelines, and Minimum Standards for child protection in emergencies through training and cluster-level advocacy. Provided technical support to the development of relevant IEC materials to address CP issues in the context of emergencies including cartoon

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Project Officer (Strengthening Humanitarian Assistance)
Church World Service-Pakistan/Afghanistan (CWS)
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ - اپریل ۲۰۱۱ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked as Senior Project Officer –in Strengthening Humanitarian Assistance as Sphere Focal Person.
I have conducted Sphere trainings on WASH in flood affected areas in Sukker, Hyderabad, Thatta and Dadu for World Vision. Also conducted Sphere training for Rapid Assessment in Kabul-Afghanistan for the NGOs, INGOs, UN agencies and Govt organizations and a separate training on “Sphere minimum standards in disaster response” for Oxfam staff in Kabul, Afghanistan.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Capacity Building Specialist
Strengthening Participatory Organization-SPO
جون ۲۰۱۰ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked as Capacity Building Specialist. Major responsibilities for the job were providing technical backstopping to programs according to need in eight regional offices from the four provinces of Pakistan.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Handicap International-Pakistan
ستمبر ۲۰۰۹ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Worked as consultant to conduct an evaluation of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) project to draw best practices and lesson learned from project execution.

• Conducted field evaluation in four focused districts(Mansehra, Besham, Muzaffarabad,Bagh)
• Developed a document “Best Practices and Lesson Learned-CBR.”
• Compiled a progress report of CBR-I for donor (World Bank).

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Sustainable Development Foundation/International Labour Organization (ILO)
ستمبر ۲۰۰۷ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Mansehra, Pakistan

Worked as a Project Manager in “Building Capacities for Child Labor Response in Disaster and Crises Management Project” for Mansehra district in collaboration with International Labour Organization (ILO).

کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Protection Officer.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
فروری ۲۰۰۷ - اگست ۲۰۰۷ | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

Worked as Child Protection Officer. Major Responsibilities were 1. Collecting and analysis data for the situation analysis, programme/project planning, management, monitoring and evaluation purposes. Analyzing programme implementation reports and evaluation against established programme recommendations and plans of action. 2. Undertake ongoing visits to UNICEF project sites, assess local conditions and resources, and monitor UNICEF inputs. Communication with local counterpart authorities on project feasibility and effectiveness including monitoring the flow of supply and non-supply assistance. 3. Select and compile training and orientation materials for those involved in programme implementation, including donor and media visits. 4. Leading media and donor visits to UNICEF project sites. 5. Shared learning from program implementation and field visits.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Education Expert
Japanese International Co operational Agency
نومبر ۲۰۰٦ - جنوری ۲۰۰۷ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked as Education Expert. Major tasks completed were: planning a training project, holding steering committee meetings, coordination with Education Department (AJK),coordination with other agencies working in earth quake affected areas, module development on Disaster Management Education, developed four booklets on Disaster Management Education, ensured coordination with designers, cartoonist and communication companies for developing cartoon animations on disaster management, training execution and report writing.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Training Coordinator
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)
اپریل ۲۰۰٦ - اکتوبر ۲۰۰٦ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked as Training Coordinator for different projects and completed the following activities: Developed different training modules for community-based organizations. Conducted CBO meetings for social mobilization and community development. Trained ITA staff from two districts on CBO’s training. Developed and executed capacity building module for child labour project in different district of Punjab province.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Trainer (Education Program)
National Rural Support Program (NRSP), Institute of Rural Management (IR
جنوری ۲۰۰٦ - اپریل ۲۰۰٦ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Developed a module for School Management Skills Training in collaboration with ESRA, conducted seventeen training events in Islamabad.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Master Trainer in Social, Legal and Education Program
اگست ۲۰۰۳ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۵ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Completed the following tasks:
Conducted trainings in different districts of Pakistan including federal area since 2003-to 2005. Prepared a manual for teacher training on child protection. Designed a curriculum for “Awareness Raising on Child Rights Convention” campaign.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Master Trainer
Institute for Health, Development and Community Sciences-Islamabad
اگست ۲۰۰۲ - اگست ۲۰۰۳ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked as Master Trainer of PHATE in YOUTH Project (PHATE in YOUTH: Prevention of HIV/AIDS through Education in Youth). It was a social project for the prevention of HIV/AIDS among the school going adolescents.


Quaid-i-Azam University
ایم فل, Development Studies (Continue)‎
Development Economics, Anthropology, Research Techniques
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, Master of Sociology‎
Sociology of Development, Anthropology and Sociology, Social Work
CGPA 3.5/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Monitoring and Evaluation
ماہر Program Implementation


ابتدائی سندھی
ابتدائی سرائیکی
ابتدائی پشتو
ماہر پنجابی
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Nabia آپکے جاننے والے

AliHussain syed
United Nations Populaiton Fund