worked with Merlin UK for about 6 year as PharmacynTechnician/Dispenser in Merlin (UK based INGO) Peshawar Khyber Pukhtunnkhwa, Pakistan.nBesides I have diverse experience in the field of Preventive and Curenside in Health relative activities for about 10 years with differentnOrganizations.nThe activities mainly I have performed are, Pharmacy Supervisor ornDispenser with different hospitals and also acquired one yearncomprehensive training of Dispenser from Jinnah Post Graduate MedicalnCenter Govt. of Pakistan. Karachi.nAnd also mainly activities I have performed medical supplies orders,nbuffer stocks and distribution to the field sites / clinics in antimely manner. Maintaining and recording all Merlin pharmacies datanKhyber Pakhtun Khwa, Pakistan.
Maintain all Pharma stock position.
Updating all activities through internet.
Disturbuting all drugs in Gilgit-Baltistan.
Visiting randamely Clinics and Drug Store.