1. Knowledge of education management, lesson planning, and teaching methodology.

2. Strong interpersonal skills.

3. Fluent in speaking (English, Urdu, and regional languages).

4. Must be proficient in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

5. Team building, coordination, community engagement, and stakeholder management.

6. Data management and analytical skills

7. Good command of report writing.

نوکری کی تفصیلات

کل عہدے:
2 آسامیاں
نوکری کی شفٹ:
پہلا پہر
نوکری کی قسم:
نوکری کا مقام:
کوئی ترجیح نہیں
کم از کم تعلیم:
ڈگری کا عنوان:
Social Sciences/ Education or Linguistics
کیریئر کی سطح:
تجربہ کار پیشہ ور
کم از کم تجربہ:
5 سال (preferably in humanitarian/development sector))
اس سے پہلے درخواست دیجیۓ:
مارچ ۰۱, ۲۰۲۵
تاریخِ اِشاعت:
فروری ۲۰, ۲۰۲۵

READ Foundation Islamabad

تعلیم و تربیت · 601-1000 ملازمین - دیامیر

Since its establishment in 1994, READ Foundation has been dedicated to helping society through quality-oriented, value-based, and purposeful education and capacity building. As a non-profit, non-governmental organization, it promotes lifelong learning and equitable education to address the challenges of access, quality, and equity, fostering a brighter future for all. Today, READ Foundation operates 400 K-12 schools, educating 125,000 students, including over 13,000 orphans, with the support of a dedicated team of more than 6,000 teachers. It also runs a comprehensive non-formal education programme with 120 community-based accelerated learning schools, aiming to reintegrate out-of-school girls into education. READ Foundation’s operations also encompass 59 public schools as part of the Government of Punjab’s Public Schools Reorganization Programme. Furthermore, READ Foundation actively participates in humanitarian efforts, providing lifesaving aid, emergency education, and rehabilitation support to crisis-affected communities.

آپ کو کس حوالے سے برتری حاصل ہے؟

اپنے بارے میں ہماری پیشہ ورانہ رائے اور تقابلی جائزہ حاصل کیجیۓ
اپنی سی وی کو موءثر بنانے کیلئے ہماری ماہرانہ مشاورتی ٹیم سے رابطہ کریں
روزی پریمیئم کو آزمائیں

ملتی جلتی نوکریاں

Assistant Manager - Education

READ Foundation Islamabad, تھرپارکر, پاکستان
فروری ۲۰, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Education Counsellor

ABN Overseas Education (Pvt) Ltd, لاہور, پاکستان
فروری ۰۴, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Education Consultant

Himalayas Overseas Education Pvt Ltd, لاہور, پاکستان
جنوری ۲۷, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Education Counselor

Study Pro Solutions, کراچی, پاکستان
فروری ۱۴, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی
تمام دیکھیں
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