Please Note: The initial contract duration would be 06 months but extandable subject to the availability of funds
The Logistics officer manages the receipt, storage, safe-keeping and delivery of food, goods, tools and equipment used by Solidarités International or under the responsibility of Solidarités International.
He/she participates in the drafting and monitoring of all administrative documents related to stored items.
The Logistics officer carries out the purchases for the programs and structure for his/her assigned base.
He/she is one of the guarantors for implementing and respecting Solidarités International purchase procedures.
He/she is responsible for filing and archiving logistics documents linked to purchases.
List of main tasks:
Maintenance of buildings, storage spaces and stored equipment
Management of storage spaces
Knowledge and monitoring of the market:
Implementation of purchasing process:
Solidarités International (SI) is a French humanitarian organization that provides aid and assistance to victims of wars or natural disasters. For more than 40 years, the association focused on meeting three vital needs: water, food and shelter. After responding to emergencies by supplying assistance directly to those in need, they help vulnerable people until they regain their livelihoods and the autonomy needed to tackle the challenges of an uncertain future with dignity. These efforts would not work properly, or even be possible, without the fierce determination to constantly respect the humanitarian principles of humanity, independence, impartiality and neutrality. In Pakistan, Solidarités International has been present with a prior interventions starting in 2005 and a scale-up of operations that was launched in the response to the 2010 floods in the Sindh province. The objective was to support the flood-affected population during the calamity through an improved access to WASH facilities and later on was expanded to provide longer-term improved access to WASH facilities in the province coupled with a disaster risk reduction set of activities. After closing its mission due to lack of funding opportunities, SI has recently sent a member of the emergency desk to evaluate the impact of the 2022 floods and the potential added value for SI to re-launch activities in the country. Following this, SI is now launching a first phase of operations in Sindh in collaboration with and in addition to the actions carried out by the authorities and NGOs on the ground, Solidarités International teams are preparing to deploy a rapid multisectoral response tailored as closely as possible to the needs of the targeted populations, which could include: - Providing access to safe drinking water; - Providing emergency latrines to limit open defecation and reduce related health risks; - Distributing essential emergency goods to households whose homes have been destroyed, which could include tents, blankets, hygiene kits or basic household items. Solidarités International will assess the possibility of also supporting the population in the recovery of agriculture and livelihoods in order to limit the harmful effects of this crisis over time as well as on longer-term WASH activities. Thus, SI is aiming at relaunching activities and hoping to secure funding to support the affected population for a longer period.