A seasoned Development Professional having experience of all activities in the program cycle in Agriculture, Value Chain Development, Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT), Corporate Social Responsibility, Health, Education,with the FAO-UN, UNDP, WHO-UN, ILO-UN, CHEMONICS International, MSI, Global Communities USA, World Learning, CNFA, Oxfam Novig, IOM, The Asia Foundation, UK Home Office, EM (HR) Consulting Group Londo, Transparency Research Partners Ltd UK, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) Pakistan, and many other national and international organizations. I have over seventeen years of working experience, initial five years in education sector and rest of these in development sector with more than a dozen published reports and books. I have performed baselines, need assessments developed TNAs, concept notes, project proposals designs, ME plans, logical frameworks, theory of change, Project implementation strategies, Exit strategies, outreach and communication strategy and action plans. I also have participated in policy development of agriculture, health, education, TEVT, and developed National standards for MNCH and Reproductive Health.
Implement the Capacity Building/Training project in Citrus and Mango sectors
Implement M&E Plan in both the sectors in field
Provide field support for the grant management
Supervise all other field related activities
Analyzed the labour market in South Punjab; identified large scale employers, emerging trends in labour market, skill gaps, leading skills training providers; mapped the leading NGOs working for youth development, traditional and nontraditional skill development and placement services; reviewed donor funded skill development programs, education and skill development related activities of the corporations and leading businesses under their CSR heads in the targeted areas. After performing the capacity need assessment of the potential partners explored partnership opportunities with the corporations, public and private sector skill development institutes, and NGOs; initiated dialogue with them, developed linkages, negotiated mod of partnerships and secured commitments for partial financial contributions, technical expertise, community mobilization for youth engagement and provision of placement services, apprenticeships and internships.
Perform the Labor Market Situation Analysis, Identify the large employers in the targeted region, opportunities for entrepreneurships/small businesses, placement service providers, sectors that can potentially employ our trainees, do the capacity need assessment of Employment Information Centre and prepare the action and sustainability plan for the Employment Information System established by ILO. Identify potential partnership opportunities with large employers for to arrange placement for trainees. Assessed the trainees to identify need for soft skills and suggested an action plan. (ILO has decided to publish this work)