
A Certified Project Management Professional PMP- having Masters in Project Management and Business Administratio, credited with 12 years' experience developing and delivering highly valued projects/interventions with world-known organizations including WHO, UNICEF, BMGF as well as other development agencies, Punjab Rural Support Program, Save the Children, World Vision International and government organizations, ministries/departments at the federal, provincial or district levels and community level interventions focusing women and children./p
pPossess strong knowledge in primary health care and development. Developed and implemented communication strategies with special focus on social mobilization for reaching the beneficiaries along with government and partners/stakeholders.


National Socio Economic Registery
COMNet (Polio Eradication)
Equitable Immunization Coverage
Social Mobilization Project
Communities for Improved Child Well Being


Urban Immunization Consultant
UNICEF 3rd Party Contract-Micro Merger
Jun 2024 - 代表 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

Functional coordination mechanism established to provide technical support to provincialEPI in the planning, coordination, implementation monitoring and reporting of evidence-basedintegrated urban immunization/health strategy and action plan at respective district (Lahore &Faisalabad) for enhanced immunization services.
Provide technical support and optimal coordination for the capacity building of all districtvaccination staff and frontline workers on reviewing and regularly updating Integratedmicro plans for reaching zero dose and defaulters children and communities in low performingUCs and wards are available.
Support the strengthening EPI activities including outreach strengthening in mega cities &work closely with government, partners, communities & CSOs for implementation ofintegrated EPI/heath activities in mega cities and districts with high zero dose and defaulterschildren / weak UCs.
Support in conducting mapping of slums with DHA & EPI staff for ensuring mobilevaccination/camps in the area as per plan afterwards regularly.
District and Provincial coordination and review meetings held at the respective district(Lahore & Faisalabad) and province for integrated urban immunization/health planned forimmunization activities including planning and participation in special events like WorldImmunization Week (WIW), World Health Day (WHD), HPV vaccine advocacy seminars andSIAs.
To carry field monitoring visits of the routine immunization activities at fixed, outreach &mobile van and activities planned during special events like World Immunization Week (WIW),World Health Day (WHD) and SIAs. He will also visit urban dispensaries.
To conduct community search of missed children, digital integrated referral at communitylevel through FLWs daily activities, and bi-annual detection campaigns, and following up onthe compliance of referral and coverage during RI.
To identify zero dose and defaulter children through referral by community healthworkers digital detection and referral of missed children (ZD and defaulters) throughfrontline workers during daily activities and detection campaigns.
To coordinate with DHAs and provincial EPI to ensure key services, vaccines,commodities, and medicines are available equally in all outreach sessions.
To mobilize all required sectors (at district level), strengthening intersectoralcoordination with Nutrition, Child protection, MNCH, IMCI, Wash, Child Protection.
To work with SBC teams to strengthen community capacity to detect and refer missedchildren using integrated referral slip or digital referral slip and strengthen their interactionswith health facility in urban slums and peri urban areas.
To organize review meetings at district and sub-district level involving all sectorsconcerned in integrated outreaches.
To ensure that all outreaches are integrated with a comprehensive package ofimmunization, MUAC and referral, ANC, PNC, IEC material and food fortification at least.
To coordinate with other districts urban immunization and provincial consultants in theimplementation of agreed activities.
Work closely and coordinate with EVM Coordinator regarding the district cold chainequipment inventory, implementation status of EVM IP and implementation of activities inupcoming FPP Plan for both RI and SIAs in the district.
To support and coordinate Provincial directorate of EPI on EPI-PEI Synergy andintegrated services under the UHC agenda with DoH and Polio Emergency OperationsCenter (PEOC).
Support the district to implement and monitor the SBC activities in district during anyspecial campaigns / seminars/ campaigns in district with academia on immunization.

Provincial Vaccine Management Officer
Provincial Emergency Operation Center (Polio). Punjab
Aug 2021 - Jun 2024 | Lahore, Pakistan

Prepare  Polio Vaccine Distribution Plan 
Ensure Vaccine timely distribution of Polio Vaccine for SIAs and PTPs
Follow up with Districts regarding leftover vaccine after every SIA
Keep rcord of Vaccine Stock at Provincial Level
Visit Provincial Store to ensure that Vaccine cold chain is maintained and physical and stock balance are equal
Liason with Districts and ensure that additional vaccine is available if required by districts
Capacity building of DHMTs and FLWs on Polio Vaccine Stock and Cold Chain Management
Run Vaccine wastage analysis after completion of each SIA and highlight the Distrcts and UCs where vaccine Vaccine wastage is either higher or Negative
|Follow up with districts to control vaccine wastage
Close liason with DHS-EPI for timely collection of vaccines from Federal Store and further distribution to DIstricts
Visit District and Tehsil Stores to ensure effective vaccine Management

Oversight Consultant
UNICEF third Party
Oct 2020 - Jul 2021 | Mardan, Pakistan

Divisional Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator -BISP (NSER)
Sustainable Development Policy Institute
Jul 2019 - Mar 2020 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Developed and on-boarded a Field Monitors team, also conducted a divisional level training of the Field Monitors to train them about the NSER, process of registry especially the component related to M&E.
Key Accomplishments
Generated Divisional Level M&E reports as well as Call for Actions to improve the survey process; steered efforts towards leading field monitors to carry out spot checks, back checks and field observations.
Exercised hands-on approach and effective controls to develop Field Monitoring Plan, Collect Field Monitoring Reports, Analysis of Reports and then generate Call for Actions and suggest Corrective Actions.

District Oversight Consultant-Measles SIA
Zia Masood& Kiyani, (UNICEF Supported)
Oct 2018 - Jan 2019 | Lahore, Pakistan

Built collaborative rapport to ensure seamless coordination with Director General Health, Provincial UNICEF and WHO Office to ensure smooth campaign activities and achieve target of 95% evaluation Coverage.
Key Accomplishments:
Ensured Qualitative Pre Campaign Phase Micro Planning Human Resources Planning, Disbursement of Funds for implementation of Activities, also developed Data Collection and Monitoring Tools.
Delivered complete analytical support to Health authority in distribution of DDM (Direct Disbursement Cards Mechanism to Beneficiaries) filling of DDM Cards and Manage Data Base for submission to Provincial Office.
Served as a resource in all efforts to prepare and share Pre Campaign, During Campaign and Post Campaign activity reports to Provincial Health Department, UNICEF and WHO.
Develop M&E and Accountability system and tools to ensure qualitative implementation of Measles SIA, also ensured seamless disbursement of payments to Measles Workers for Vaccination and Social Mobilization Campaign.
Collected, assessed and reported Daily coverage reports of Districts with proposed corrective actions.

Provincial Consultant for (Routine Immunization) RED/REC Strategy
UNICEF United Nations
Dec 2017 - Oct 2018 | Lahore, Pakistan

Reviewed and delivered gender wise monthly immunization reports of Districts Identify Weak UCs regarding Immunization; monitored CCEOP in 7 RED/REC Districts of Punjab, as well as designed Logical Framework for RED/REC Strategy.
Key Accomplishments:
Conducted Performance Review Meeting with Districts and support Districts to improve Routine Immunization through RED/REC Tools; also facilitated the Provincial Office in New Vaccine Launch events.
Expertly performed duties as strategic overlay to define monitoring tools for monitoring routine immunization sessions and ensured data quality by regular monitoring visits in field and share findings with stakeholders.
Prepare Field Visit Reports and Generate Call for Actions for improvement Assessment of Routine Immunization Coverage in Field on regular basis Validation of Monthly Coverage reports on regular basis

District Health Communication Support Officer
Chip Training and Consulting (UNICEF-COMNET)
Feb 2015 - Nov 2017 | Muzaffargarh, Pakistan

Defined M&E Plan for Polio Campaign in Whole District, gathered, reviewed, and reported Polio Campaign data on daily basis to provincial polio control room, also identified low coverage UCS for data and propose measures for improvement.
Key Accomplishments:
Led FLW’s including COMNet staff to ensure Missed Children Coverage through Back Check, Spot Check, Shadowing and Observations’ monitored and facilitated vaccination team trainings with special focus on IPC component.
Develop District Communication Plan and ensure Stakeholders engagement in High risk UC’s through COMNet Staff.
Reviewed administrative data of missed children from the fifth day up to 7th & 14th day of the campaign. Gathered data on reasons from missed children and develop data driven communications for chronic missed children.
Generated detailed reports on the verified missed children data (refusal, NA and inaccessible) to the district polio control room & provincial level Government focal person and provincial COMNet coordinator.
Strengthened immunization understanding in the community and introduced strategic changes in surveys, ensured social profile data of high risk groups missed during campaigns is incorporated into UC level micro plans.
Ensured the social profile data of HR groups representing the in/out flux of people in the catchment area inclusive of seasonal (climatic) migrants and seasonal worker migrants such as construction / brick kiln / agriculture is updated in the UC level micro plans.

Advocacy Officer
World Vision International
Jul 2013 - Jan 2015 | Muzaffargarh, Pakistan

Tasked to perform Child rights advocacy, ensured capacity-building of communities on the concepts of CVA, social mobilization, CDI and advocacy approaches and provided CBOs Trainings on public policies, procedures and mechanism.
Key Accomplishments:
Identified key social activists in the target area of WV to ensure active community participation and representation to community, also developed Village Development Plans through PRA tools.
Formed and strengthened community groups such CBOs, CCBOs, CVA Facilitation teams and Children Groups with equal participation of Women, also ensured alignment of VDPs with Child and women wellbeing.
Functioned in close collaboration with the CBO/CSC/CSO and build their capacity in CVA (Citizen Voice and Action), social mobilization, CDI and advocacy to encourage effective community participation.
Built Capacity of CBOs on DRR in collaboration with Rescue 1122 and World Vision DRR Project Team. Linked development with 1122, Health, Education, Irrigation and Civil defense of Disaster Prone communities in District.
Planned, organized and conducted Community Trainings on DRR, Nutrition, Child Rights, Women Rights and CVA approach Agreements with CBOs for implementation of development projects identified through PRA tools.
Monitored and devised development projects though CBOs and ensure release of agreed funds by World Vision.


PMI (Project Management Institute)
证书, Project Management Professional‎
Project Management Professional
Bahria University
哲学硕士, MS Project Management‎
Project Management
University of Sindh
硕士, , Msc Rural Development‎
Gender Relations and Rural Change, Economics of Water Resources
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
硕士, , MS/MBA‎
Human Resource Management
CGPA 2.9/4


熟练 3D Creative Skills
中级 Academic Development
中级 Accounts Management Skills
熟练 Adaptive Learning
熟练 Adaptive Management
熟练 Admin Operations Management
熟练 Admin Task Management
中级 Admin Tasks Management
熟练 Administration Knowledge
中级 Administrative Management 
熟练 Administrative Skills
熟练 Advance Excel
熟练 Advanced
熟练 Advocate of Teamwork
中级 Agile Project Management
熟练 Analytical Review
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Beneficiaries And Programme Safeguarding.
熟练 Budget Tracking & Reporting
熟练 Building Organizational Capability
熟练 Business Analysis Monitoring
中级 Business Development
中级 C++ Knowledge
熟练 Capacity Building
熟练 Communication for Development
熟练 Communication Report Writing
熟练 Communication Skills
中级 Communications Management
中级 Communications Programs
熟练 Community Based Social Mobilization
熟练 Community Leadership
熟练 Compliance
熟练 Compliance Advisory
熟练 Compliance Analysis
熟练 Compliance with Safety Protocols
熟练 Computer Literacy
熟练 Computer Proficienct
熟练 Computer Proficient
熟练 Condiments Making
熟练 Configuration Switches
熟练 Conflict Management
熟练 Conservation Awareness
熟练 Consortium Management
熟练 Continuous Controls Monitoring
熟练 Convincing Text Writing Skills
熟练 Coordinate Meeting
熟练 Coordination Abilities
中级 Coordination of Projects
熟练 Coordination Skilla
熟练 Coordination Skills


熟练 Saraiki
熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语

Mahfooz 联系人

Waqas Ayaz
Nutrition international
Majid Iqbal