With extensive experience in the delivery of retail business networking infrastructure projects, I have built solid networking expertise with a specific focus ERP Implementation, Network Infrastructure Design and Deployment, MIS Reporting,
and Instant Messaging solutions. Having led a multitude of technical projects across a broad range of
sectors, including Networking, Database Management, Manipulation and Backups, I am able to collaborate with senior stakeholders, lead project teams and ultimately deliver client focused results on time and within budget.
Experienced IT manager with ERP Implementation and delivering Network projects for retail industry.
With extensive experience in the delivery of retail business networking infrastructure projects, I have built solid networking expertise with a specific focus around Video-conferencing, Audio-conferencing
and Instant Messaging solutions. Having led a multitude of technical projects across a broad range of
sectors, including Networking, Database Management, Manipulation and Backups, I am able to collaborate with senior stakeholders, lead project teams and ultimately deliver client focused results on time and within budget.