
Rehmat Rice Mill
Jul 2018 - Aug 2018 | Tobatek Singh, Pakistan

Queries optimization
Managing Sales and Purchase Accounts
Cash flows
To manage petty cash
Assign job to workers


University of the Punjab
学士, 贸易学士, Bachelor In Commerce‎
accounts and finance
所占比重 60%
University of the Punjab
学士, 贸易学士, Bachelor In Commerce‎
accounts and finance
所占比重 60%


初学者 4 Knowledge of Taxation
中级 AAccounting
初学者 Accounnts Management
熟练 Accounting Skills
中级 Accounts Adminstration
熟练 Accounts Payable
中级 Accounts Payments Handling
中级 Accounts Software Command
中级 Admin Operations Management
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Bank Reconciliation on
熟练 Cash Flow Reporting
初学者 Commercial Awareness.
初学者 Corporate Finance
熟练 Electrical Controls Knowledge
熟练 ERP Knowledge
初学者 Financial Accounting
初学者 Financial Analysis
初学者 Financial and Budgeting Skills
熟练 Financial Monitoring
初学者 Financial Statement Analysis
中级 Grammar Command
熟练 Journal Entries
熟练 Management Skills 
中级 MS Excel
中级 Network Security Administration
熟练 QuickBooks
熟练 Record Keeping
熟练 Security Principles
初学者 Social Welfare Management
熟练 Technical Knowledge and Expertise
熟练 Time Management Skills
熟练 Treasury Management
中级 Twitter Knowledge
初学者 مهارات إدارة الأموال


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语