
Trainee Psychologist
Dr. Aisha's Health Vision Hospital
Jun 2022 - Jul 2022 | Karachi, Pakistan

I was individually involved in taking case history of the client (intake), observing verbals and nonverbals of client and their family members during the session under the supervision and making treatment plan accordingly. 

Umeed e Nau
Oct 2021 - Feb 2022 | Karachi, Pakistan

I was involved in taking case history of the client conducting different assessments and making reports accordingly. I have attended different workshops and learn how to conduct workshop and have also attended a series of lectures.  The assessments that I learnt during this internship as follows:

Coping Response Inventory (CRI)
Beck Youth Inventory (BYI)
Vineland Adaptive Behavioural Scale (VABS)
Wide Range Apptifide Test (WRAT)
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
16 Personality Factors (16-PF)
Rotters Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Draw A Person (DAP)
Human Figure Drawing (HFD)
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Bender Gestalt


Institute of Professional Psychology - Bahria University
学士, 理工学士, ‎
CGPA 3.4/4


熟练 Career Advisory
中级 Career Counseling
中级 Counselling
熟练 Cross Cultural Communication Skills
熟练 Field Task Management
熟练 Fluent In English and
熟练 Individual Counselling
初学者 PR Campaign Management
熟练 Research Writing
中级 Sales
熟练 Security Principles
中级 Student Affairs Handling
中级 Therapeutic Listening
熟练 كلينت فلوب


中级 英语