
While working with Alight International formerly known American Refugee Committee, Malteser International, Islamic relief Worldwide, Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Worker Coordinating Organization (SAFWCO), Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO), Health Nutrition Development Society (HANDS) and National Commission for Human Development (NCHD), I performed for flood relief operations and early recovery interventions both in Thatta, Karachi and in different parts of northern Sindh.
I have diversified working experience of 09 years in the projects of relief, early recovery and development with International and national NGOs in Sindh Pakistan. Furthermore, I worked on different result oriented positions.
I have performed in projects on Relief, Early Recovery and development. I have quite experience in the field of Disaster Risk Management, Project management, COVID-19, Education, livelihoods, Enterprise Development, Vocational trainings, Social Mobilization, Child Protection, Health, WASH, Nutrition, MCHIP, Monitoring, Project Management, advocacy and reporting.
I have effectively performed in projects and worked closely in partnership with Donors, Govt. Line Agencies, INGOs, and NGOs etc. Furthermore, I had been worked as freelance consultant for imparting community capacity building trainings on social mobilization, WASH and livelihood, Community Management DRR


Strengthening of resilience through DRR and livelihood measures in vulnerab
Integrated Revival of Economy & Restoration Project,(IREAP)
Sustainable Initiatives for Relief & Transformation ,
Educate A Child


Program Manager
Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent Trust (LRBT)
Jun 2021 - Dec 2021 | Karachi, Pakistan

·         Overall Incharge of the project & supervise  the project team in design, development, implementation and monitoring of the project and operation work
·         Ensure compliance of program quality standards for good development practice
·         Timely coordination of project visits with partner organization, prepare necessary project document and reports
·         Close coordination with all relevant stakeholders of the project including district level government authorities
·         Project budget administration i.e. support in reviewing project related annual application from partner and project related narrative and finance reports on quarterly basis
·         Developing budget plans aligned to new developments in the project
·         Conduct need based monitoring visits and routine quarterly monitoring visits at field areas
·         Project reporting as per requirement of the project

Provincial Project Officer
American REfugee Commiittee
Aug 2018 - Dec 2020 | Karachi, Pakistan

·         Provide assistance for implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of Alight education project
·         Provide Support in program, financial, procurement planning and implementation
·         Assist in preparation of project documents, like implementation plans, research tools, implementation guidelines, reports etc
·         Assist in the implementation of project activities and ensure their completion in a timely manner.
·         Provide Support in grant management in coordinated way with the help of support functions
·         Coordinate and liaison with partner NGOs and/or CBOs, district administration, education departments at districts and provincial level, PDMA and other project stake holders to ensure quality implementation and output in relation to agreed project objectives.
·         Provide facilitation & support in assessments, data collection, baselines, KAP surveys and evaluation etc.
·         Conducting regular monitoring Field visits of ARC targeted Project areas.
·         Provide orientations on project as per proposals to staff members internally and externally as and when needed.
·         Ensure effectiveness of project activities on weekly/ monthly basis and submit weekly/ monthly, Quarterly and Annual Progress reports as per set indicators and targets of project to Programs Head in Islamabad.
·         Collaborate with the Finance/Admin and Logistics to ensure that project supplies and resources are available in a timely manner to support project implementation.
·         Support exchange visits to share information, identify best practices and challenges and enhance collaboration and networking among partners.
·         Provide support and guidance to other ARC staff to assist in their capacity-building activities.
·         Regularly report to all activities, weekly, bi-monthly & monthly with progress, achievements, bottlenecks to document challenges and lesson learned.
·         Coordinate with stakeholders for effective implementation and monitoring of project activities.
·         Assist in internal and external reporting.
·         Develop and disseminate IEC material regarding prevention/mitigation of COVID-19
·         Organize sessions on COVID-19, distribution of PPE Kits, sensitizers to staff, communities and stakeholders.
·         Ensure that the tasks assigned are meeting specific objectives and are according to the policies and procedures of ARC. 

District Coordinator
Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Worker Coordinating Organization
May 2018 - Aug 2018 | Sanghar, Pakistan

Job Responsibilities:
a)   Work Plans/Action Plans/ Reporting
·         To develop and finalize project work plans plans on regular basis
·         Prepare and compile reports on quarterly basis which clearly indicate direct and indirect beneficiaries and submit the same with Supervisor/Project Manager
·         Check field diaries of staff on regular basis
b)   Capacity Building
·         Deliver trainings to community and other Safwco partners on Social Mobilization and Community Development
·         Participate in trainings, seminar, workshops conducted in-house or outside the organization
c)   Developing and Maintaining Management Information System (MIS)
·         Managing Sectoral MIS at Office Level
·         Conduct qualitative research on program effectiveness and quality assurance
d) Conduct or Carry Out Field Visits for:
§  Collaborative working relationships with partners at the community, state and national level;
§  Facilitate the development, implementation and evaluation of the Engaging Men project including deliverables related to statewide infrastructure and capacity, media messaging, and campus/community-based initiatives, ensuring timely submission of all deliverables;
§  Provide training and technical assistance on topics such as primary prevention of gender based violence, community mobilization, understanding and applying best practices and research on culturally competent strategies to engage men, and tools for evaluating gender based violence prevention efforts;
§  Coordinate training and technical assistance from national organizations and consultants;
§  Oversee the planning, design, and distribution of media messages to engage men in GBV prevention +
§  Analyzing, compiling and submitting monthly report to the County Manager and Program Manager
§  Ensuring that assigned project achieve set goals, objectives and outcomes
§  Assisting in mid-term or end of project evaluations on GBV project impact
§  Conducting regular block and home visits to assess and verify activities
§  Establish Project Steering Committee in the project sites and district level.
§  Develop and implement clear handover/exit strategy to relevant ministries.
§  Prepare periodic progress, quarterly and annual reports showing achievements against planned targets as well as providing justification for performance variances and areas of improvement.
§  Keeping inventory of all items in the project implementation site disaggregated by age gender
§  Assisting in the preparation of the programmers’ operation plans/work plans & reviews.
§  Hold monthly sessions with project volunteers and prepare weekly work plans for the project
§  Assigning tasks to project volunteers to ensure effective, efficient and timely implementation
§  Provide project volunteers with counselling support and mentoring.
§  Fulfil any other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the supervisor.
e)   Facilitation and Coordination
·         To liaise closely with other sectors and programs/projects of the organization for streamlining the programs/project
·         Facilitate the staff in liaison and coordination with government line departments
f)     Monitoring
You will be responsible to:
·         Monitor activities of social mobilizers and Training officers to ensure smooth implementation of project
·         Assess impacts of the program and reporting success stories at individual and community level
The job entails high responsibility in a challenging environment, which needs commitment and devotion. Social Organization is the core sector of the organization in Safwco.

Project Officer-DRR
Malteser International
Jul 2015 - Apr 2018 | Thatta, Pakistan

• Support the Project Manager and other project team in all aspects of implementation of a large-scale community-based disaster risk management program in 2 union councils of Thatta District
• Supervise and coordinate with Master Trainers for conduct of CBDRM Trainings
• Coordinate with IP staff for the social mobilization and ensure formation of village and UC disaster management committees as per defined criteria
• Facilitate village-level trainings for community DRR committees, including on-the-ground organization and logistics and advising/support to community Master Trainers through mentoring and coaching
• Facilitate and assist with participatory community identification and assessment of hazards, coping capacities, response strategies, and etc. using PRA techniques
• Prepare and compile village and UC level disaster preparedness plans
• Organize and conduct mock drills/simulation exercise
• Support additional village and school mobilization and awareness activities
• Coordinate with all stakeholders
• Ensure proper documentation of all activities
• Monitor activities of Social Organizers and community trainers
• Coordinate and support engineer in the small scale structural mitigation work
• Submit timely and accurate activity reports
• Any other task assigned by Project Manager

Sr. Community Development Officer
Islamic Relief Pakistan
Sep 2012 - Jun 2015 | Thatta, Pakistan

• Providing an advisory service to residents in response to community development projects, and to promote optimum use of local or external resources.

• Supervise Social Mobilization Unit team facilitating local solutions to local needs.

• Supervising Social Mobilization Unit team during assisting the community and the IRP to become more aware of and responsive to the community needs.

• Effective planning, assessments, and implementation of DRR & Advocacy components

• Facilitation to resource persons for capacity building and training needs assessments

• Verify the vulnerable beneficiaries / potential trainees and avoid overlaps and duplication of project activities

• Coordination & linkages development with both internal and external stakeholders

• Provide technical support to communities and field teams for the DRR / DRM & Advocacy during planning and implementation of activities

• Effective planning and timely implementation of DRR & Advocacy activities in the field

• Supervise Social Mobilization Unit Team to ensure participation of people and CBO are formed sustainable basis and for collection of primary data and compilation of survey for various project and program.

• Supervise Social Mobilization Unit team Management and implementation of rural appraisal and local level planning.

• Timely implementation of WASH activities in field in close collaboration with engineers

• Effective conduct of training and workshops of staff and local community

• To prepare Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Work plans and reports

• To conduct various workshop and training classes for local community on the issues of community

• Assist in implementing the activity plans identified and agreed by the communities for projects according to the guidelines and schedules set by the Islamic Relief community mobilization strategy.

• Survey, evaluate recommend target beneficiary populations.

• Prepare and conducts trainings and learning tools

Social Mobilization Officer
Strengtheing Participatory Organization SPO
Jan 2012 - Jul 2012 | Thatta, Pakistan

• Identification of villages & Schools as per criteria for implementation of project intervention.
• Base line survey of Villages & Schools.
• Formation of Community Based Organization, Formation of Disaster Management Committees & Formation of Education Management Committees at Village level & U/C level.
• Identification & Training Need Assessment of Community Organization bearers for Community Organization capacity building trainings.
• Planning of Training methodology & Pre Arrangements for 3 Days residential Organizational Management, Sphere Standards & NGOs Code of Conduct Trainings.
• Facilitate & Organized 3 Days Residential training on Sphere Standard & NGO’s code of conduct to CO bearer’s where 250 CO bearers & members trained.
• Criteria discussion with Community Organizations for selection of Enterprise development beneficiaries, Vocational trainings beneficiaries, Ultra poor Women’s for provision of Cash Grants, School for Constructions, Installation of bath rooms & Hand pump facilities at Schools.
• Identification & Detail Need Assessment through Poverty Score card filling, for selection of beneficiaries of Vocational trainings, Enterprise development & Ultra poor women’s for provision of cash grants.
• Training Need Assessments of beneficiaries for, Vocational trainings (Tailoring, Rally Making, and Beautician) & Enterprise development trainings.
• Distribution of 26,000 Rupees Cheques to 100 beneficiaries of Enterprise Development Program for establishment of Small Business.
• Distribution of 13,000 Rupees Cheques to 150 Ultra-Poor Women’s for Livelihood support.
• Facilitate & provide technical assistance to Enterprise development beneficiaries & ultra-poor Women’s for proper utilization of received amount for establishment of small business & Livelihood improvement.
• Monitoring of Schools renovation and hand pump installation work with support of technical team.
• Submission or Weekly plan, Weekly reports, Activity reports,

Team Leader
Health & Nutrition Development society HANDS
Sep 2010 - Dec 2011 | Thatta, Pakistan

• Villages and School Rapid Assessment of flood Affected Villages.
• Selection of Villages & School for implementation of project intervention.
• PRA with Community in targeted Villages.
• Large community meeting with Community & Area representatives.
• Formation of Community Organization at Village & U/C level.
• Provide Guidelines to Community Organization’s for opening of joint accounts.
• Facilitate & Delivered Trainings to Teachers, School Management Committees bearer’s & Community Organization bearer’s on subject of Disaster Risk Reduction, Psychosocial Wellbeing, Child Rights, Child Protection, Classroom management,
• Planned Methodology for Need Assessment of furniture & other facilities required in targeted Schools.
• Distribution of furniture, School Bags, Hand Wash Soaps, Educational IEC material & Games material for students.
• Delivery of Health & Hygiene Sessions at Primary Schools for Students & Community.
• Growth Monitoring of Primary School’s students.
• Monitoring of Schools renovation work & WAHS facilities (Bathroom, Hand pumps).
• Identification & Detail Need Assessment of Enterprise development beneficiaries, Cash for Work beneficiaries, beneficiaries for provision of Shelters, beneficiaries & Villages for provision of WASH facilities (Hand pumps, Latrines,).
• Motivate to beneficiaries for contributing 10% share of amount for construction of Shelter.
• Distribution of Donkey Carts, Goats, Vegetable & Fruit carts, Carpenter kits, Masson Kits, Fishing Kits, Sewing Machines to Vulnerable Women’s, under Enterprise Development Program. & Distributed Agriculture Inputs (seed & fertilizer).
• Submission of Weekly plan, Weekly reports, Activity reports, Case Studies other project related reports to line Manager.
• Rapid Assessment of flood affected Villages.
• Manage Distribution Mechanism for Distribution of 5000 Hygiene Kits to Flood Affected IDP’s.
• Manage Distribution Mechanism for Distribution of 10,000 Mosquito Nets to Flood Affected IDP’s.
• Provide technical guidelines to team for delivery of Health & Hygiene Sessions on Health Education.
• Provide Technical guidelines to team regarding Social Mobilization for Community Management.
• Installation of relief camps for affected population.
• Settlement of affected peoples IDP’s in relief camps.
• Distribution of Non Food items to Affected Peoples IDP’s.
• Weekly Distribution of Food items at relief camps.
• Monitoring of Temporary Learning Schools in relief camps and Installing Medical camps for affected peoples.

Area Supervisor
National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
Jul 2009 - Aug 2010 | Thatta, Pakistan

• Program Introduction with Community & Stakeholders
• Formation of Education Management Committees at targeted Villages.
• Base line Assessment of female Learners for Adult Literacy Education.
• Selection of Teachers from Targeted Village/Areas for Adult Literacy Centres.
• Establishment of Female Adult Literacy Centres at targeted Villages.
• Organized & Delivered Trainings to Adult Literacy Teachers on Adult Literacy Education.
• Monitoring & follow up visit of Adult Literacy Education centres.
• Conduct Exam of Student with support of Line Manager
• Arrangements of Workshops, Seminar, Events, at Female Adult Literacy Centres on Gender Development, Girls Educations, Women Rights. Ensured participation of Community, Stakeholders, & Govt. Line Agencies in mentioned events.
• Submission of Weekly Work Plans, Weekly Reports, Activity Reports, Educational Workshop Reports to Line Manager.


University of Sindh
硕士, 艺术硕士学位, M.A Sociology‎
Rural Sociology, Community Development
Department Of Economics University of Sindh Jamshoro
学士, 贸易学士, ‎
Accounting, Auditing


熟练 Accounts Managment Skills
熟练 Configuration Switches
熟练 Conservation Awareness
中级 CV Database Access
中级 CVs Screening And Evaluation
熟练 Excellent Computer Proficient
熟练 Field Management
中级 Financial and Budgeting Skills
中级 Fluent In Spoken Local Languages
熟练 Good Computer Skills
熟练 Handling Assignments
熟练 Health Diagnostic
熟练 Negotiations
中级 Presentation Skills
熟练 Project Administration
熟练 Project Managment
中级 Proofreading
熟练 RESTful APIs
熟练 Social Mobilization
熟练 Strong Mathematical Knowledge
中级 Strong Organizational and Planning Skills
熟练 Training delivery and designing


熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 信德语
熟练 英语


Imran 联系人

Mansoor Ali Ali Rind
Rural Support Program Network
Syed zahid Iqbal Shah
International Medical Corps