
Possesses more than 7 years as practicing lawyer from trial courts (Lower Courts) upto the level of appellate courts (High Court) with exceptional line of action and result oriented case strategy.
Able and confident in giving immediate legal opinion in the light of laws currently prevailing, always keen to learn and grow up with team work.


University of the Punjab
学士, 法律学学士, LL.B.‎
所占比重 53%


熟练 Consumer Laws, Registration Of Sale, Mortgage, Redemption, Exchange And Gift Deeds Etc.
中级 Corporate Affairs
熟练 Family Laws, Legal Drafting, Vetting Of Documents, Property Matters, Registration Of Documents
熟练 Legal Advisory
熟练 Legal Affairs
熟练 Legal Service, Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense Lawyer, Banking Laws, Services Laws, Labour Laws,


熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 旁遮普语
熟练 英语