New product development in retail market then recovery task as on given credit saley invoices.
.Muavin basically Lahore base non banking financing company witch has financing in different cities to Pakistan to retail market through different business partner like Retailo, Rehber and etc. The part of Muavin family I supervise recoveries, cash collection and customer issues.
Finja basically Lahore base non banking financing company witch has financing in different cities to Pakistan retail to retail market through different business partner like Burque Corporation Ltd and etc. I was performed on this position recoveries, cash collection and concern issues and also performed loan disbursement verifications.
.As a Bazaar Sales Agent I was participate for sales & business development in different areas of Karachi. Bazaar Technologies basically online e-commerce company.
I started as a sales supervisor in Mehran Distribution House they basically facilitated all Karachi distribution for Lotte Kolson. I was performed these responsibilities sales team supervision & recoveries.
Since 2008 started career as a Salesman with NPD (Pvt) Ltd they have all Pakistan distribution of Nestle Pakistan and etc. After passing two years they promoted me as a supervise for different principal in witch included my responsibility salesteam supervision, business development, growths and recoveries.