
I am Result Oriented & Hard Working Candidate.
I want To do Big In Any of company.
Make sure You must Contact with Me.


Constraction Of Trauma Center


Site Super visor & Safety Supervisor
MN International Pvt Ltd.
Nov 2014 - 代表 | Hyderabad, Pakistan


Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
学士, 技术学士, (B.tec pass) Civil‎


中级 Capital Adequacy
熟练 editing along
熟练 Fixed Income Portfolio Management
熟练 management
熟练 Project planning
中级 Accounts Handling
中级 Accounts Management
中级 Accounts Software Command
中级 Admin Operations Management
熟练 Answering Inquiries
中级 BookKeeping
初学者 Branch Administration Skills
熟练 Civil
初学者 Communication Skills
中级 Configuration Switches
熟练 Conservation Awareness
中级 Construction Site Management
中级 Customer Reconcilation
中级 Distributors
熟练 End to End Sales
初学者 End to End Sales
中级 End-to-End Sale
熟练 Field Work Skills
熟练 Handling Assignments
初学者 Inventory Control
初学者 Inventory Planning Skills
初学者 Laboratory Quality Assurance
熟练 Lateral and logical thinking
熟练 Maintaining Safety Standards
中级 Managing Large Teams =
中级 MS Excel
中级 Persuasion Customer
熟练 Prohect Management
中级 Proofreading
熟练 Record Keeping
初学者 Retail Product Management
熟练 Rural Markets Knowledge
初学者 Sales Management
中级 Shopify Theme Management
熟练 Site Administration
中级 Stitching Skills
初学者 Stock Control
初学者 Stock Management
初学者 Store Knowledge
初学者 Store Operations Management
中级 Target Setting
熟练 Tax Accounting
初学者 Taxation Knowledge
初学者 Tender Management
初学者 Tender Preparation


初学者 信德语
中级 英语
熟练 乌尔都语
