More then eight years over all experience in the field of community development with different participatory approaches projects, in social mobilization, motivation. facilitation, and understanding of communities over their needs, to identify their needs/problems, and to make sure their active participation and involvement to overcome their problems.nAlso conduct behavioral change communication sessions and dialog's with different groups to bring positive and attitude toward solving their problems and fulfillment of their basic felt needs.
Work with the project specialist in sub-office Bannu and with partner in implementation IR project strategies and activities.
Coordinate and lead step down training of community based agents n the implementation of the project.
Provide regular feed back to project coordinator via the community mobilization specialist, point person of the implementing partners and ensure proper project tracking record keeping as well as field level of documentation of project activities.
Provides support to the logistic department in the supply of food and non food items to the distribution point.
Support and conduct targeted assessment surveys on timely basis.
In collaboration with component specialist ensure accurate data processing and provide support in the compilation of project report.
Supervise the assessment and distribution and mitigate the gaps at field level if any.
Monitor and implement the activities at field level and submit the report on findings.
Perform other task assigned by the line manager.