Mechanical Engineer experienced in automotive industry seeking for job in a leading organization where my skills in applying dynamic and advance knowledge into practical fields and analytical thinking would lead to the organizational goal.
Working in Parts Audit section of Parts Inspection Department, Quality Assurance Division.Responsible to attend Parts specification meetings.To approve Checking fixtures concept and design (CFC & CFD) as per schedule.To approve Checking Fixtures as per their CFC and CFD.Responsible to ensure the Quality of initial, trial and pilot lot as per Drawing and standards.To prepare and review reports and other related documents and maintain their records.Verify performance of trial/pilot lots on assembly line.Visit suppliers for process verification and improvements in dies, Fixtures and welding jigs and to ensure it as per standards to maintain efficcient and effective at the time of development as well mass production.Responsible to develop, update and implement Inspection standards, Work Instruction Sheets, One point lesson at suppliers premises.To analyze In-House parts and White Body Shell data for improvement to maintain the accuracy targets.Assist Defects causing In-House Assembly line and warranty claims.Co-ordinate with Suppliers for continuous improvement in their SystemParticipate in 5S, Kaizen and Q.C circle activities