
I beleive in hard work. I want to learn and earn.


android applications
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Autonomous Car (Final Year Project)
Compiler (Front end), Recursive Descent parser.
Java Applications
Tourism website


intern software engineer
konghamstageek (khg) touchline creative
Aug 2017 - Sep 2017 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Learned MongoDB, Express JS and Node JS, then created CRUD application using mLAB and mongoDB.

Learned React JS and created CRUD application using mLAB and mongoDB.

After learning Express JS, React JS, MongoDB and Node JS, I created CRUD application by using ajax calls and calling apis. Sent data from frontend and saved it in backend using both mLAB and mongoDB.

Converted front end in architecture of assets, databinding and views and backend program in architecture of Router, Controller, Middleware, Database, Model, Helper.

Made a complete authentication project, which included Sign UP, Sign IN, Forget Password, Update Password and Remember Password using Local Storage.

Front End
Complete front end of these four elements, made ajax calls to call apis.
Made complete validation on front end.
Made Authorization on ROUTES to make it secure using AuthRoute. If user is not
Logged in, he/she cannot access routes and will be redirected to home page.

Back End
Complete back end of these four elements, manipulated data in mongoDB.
Made complete validation on back end using Middleware.
Encrypted password using bcryptjs.
Generated token while signing in user using JSON Web Tokens and Passport.
Used waterfall function and inserted expiry time in forget and update password. It is
Done, using SENDGRID.
Uploaded image using Multer.
Remember Password using Local Storage.

Made Sign Up using Facebook, Google and LinkedIn.

I have Worked on companys first product.

Made a one to one chat using sockets and MERN stack.

Worked on JIRA, GIT, APIARY, SWAGGER, IBM Bluemix Deployment , Cloud Foundary CLI and Composer.

Application Software Develepor
House of Technology
Sep 2016 - Nov 2016 | Islamabad, Pakistan

we worked in image processing projects.


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
学士, 技术学士, Bachelors in Computer Science‎
introduction to computers and programming, Computer Networks and Communication, object oriented prog
CGPA 3.46/4


初学者 Android Studio
初学者 Apiary
初学者 C#
初学者 Coordination Skill's
初学者 Express
初学者 Git
初学者 GUI Framework
初学者 HTML
初学者 Javascript
初学者 jira
初学者 MATLAB Command
初学者 MongoDB
初学者 NodeJs
初学者 Query Language
初学者 React JS
初学者 WP CLI


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