Revival International School (PWD Branch)

Revival International School (PWD Branch)

Revival is established to cultivate sentiment, polish soul and body, let our students grow together with Qur’an and Sunnah. We give them knowledge of Deen and Akhirah to achieve good in this life and here after. RISS is managed and run by foreign team, our staff members are highly qualified and understand the principles of effective pedagogy in light of Quran and Sunnah. They are dedicated to brighten the future of Our children and the Muslim Ummah at large.
At Revival we follow Quran, Gain Wisdom and Aspire Purification. We provide round the clock Islamic Conduct, Indoor Masjid and Daily Tarbiyah. We are striving to produce Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Achievers through Project Based Learning and well Equipped Classrooms along with Science and IT Lab for productive learning.
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