Askar Oil Services ( Pvt ) Ltd.
2 关注者

Askar Oil Services ( Pvt ) Ltd.

Askar Oil Services (Private) Limited was incorporated on 21st January 2004. The company was granted Oil Marketing Company License on 4th July, 2005. The company started its operations in September 2005 by recording its first sale. Since then the company has shown growth in all aspects of the business. The company has recorded sale of 108 million liters of petroleum products in financial year 2008‐09 and 477% growth in sales as compared to financial year 2007 ‐ 08. The equity has risen to 760 million and network locations to 300 plus by the end of June 2010.This trend and is expected to continue and company needs steady level of working capital to sustain this growth rate.

Pakistan offers good opportunity for establishment of new oil marketing companies in view of its fast growing petroleum products market. In order to create healthy competition, achieve efficiencies and attract investment in the downstream oil sector, following steps have been taken by the Government:

· Deregulation of import of fuel oil with effect from 1st July 2000.

· Deregulation of import of High Speed Diesel with effect from 1st January, 2001