Pakistan Engineering Services Pvt Ltd
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Pakistan Engineering Services Pvt Ltd

Pakistan Engineering Services (Pvt.) Ltd. (PES) was established in 1973 as a private limited company. It is a leading energy and engineering sector consultancy firm in Pakistan with current permanent staff strength of more than 250 professionals and other personnel. PES permanent key professional staff has vast experience of working on projects in Pakistan, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Libya and UAE.
PES has been working on large engineering consultancy projects with Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Pakhtunkhwa Hydel Development Organization (PHYDO), World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID and other agencies throughout Pakistan facing unique challenges from Peshawar to Karachi, in all four provinces including Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
PES possess expertise in Sediment Transport Modeling, Scour and Degradation Predictions, River Restoration Analysis and Design, Dam Removal or Modification, Bed Material Sampling, Reservoir Sediment Management and Release, Settling Basin Design, Habitat Impacts and climate change impacts. PES also has experience in Reservoir Sediment Management Plans, Hydrographic surveying using satellite positioning and other methods, Reservoir Sediment Sampling, Reservoir Contour mapping with complete coverage capability, Reservoir Area and Capacity Tables and Sediment Removal Options.
The firm possesses expertise in diverse fields including Water Resources Development, Water Conservation, Dams, Irrigation Systems, Environment Monitoring and Management, Social Impact Assessment and Public Health Engineering, Coal, Gas, RO/FO Based Thermal Power, Hydro Power Engineering, Water Resources Development, Water Conservation, Dams, Irrigation Systems, Power Transmission & Distribution, Design and Construction of Public / Utility Buildings, Economic and Financial Studies.