Mediator (Pvt) Ltd

Mediator (Pvt) Ltd

Mediators specialize in bridging the communication gap between the corporate sector on one hand and the policy-makers and opinion-makers on the other.

Mediators has the necessary expertise in counselling and communications to help clients in building a good public image, and in developing cordial relations with decision makers and opinion -makers.

At Mediators, we have experts to advise clients on public relations requirements, on communications strategy and product awareness. With insight and skills honed through many years of experience in journalism, advertising, event management, publications, designing etc., we are equipped to handle anything from a press release to an in-house journal, from government lobbying to media relations.

Founded in 1988, Mediators is the pioneer and also the largest in Public Relations Consultancy in Pakistan.

Mediators is affiliated with Burson-Marsteller (BM), the worlds leading communications and public relations consultancy. B-M is based in the US, with offices in several countries.

Mediators is also associated with The Economist Group of the UK, and looks after its conferences business in Pakistan. In a short span of time Mediators has earned the respect and recognition of prestigious clients. The growing roster of clients and our prestigious international affiliations are a testament to the confidence placed in our professional standards and in the calibre of our personnel by leading corporations and organizations.
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